Reviews from

in the past

عالم البحار مليء بالاسرار

Probably the best survival sandbox game I've played. Progression is perfect, and you really feel yourself conquering the ocean towards the end. In the beginning, everything is scary but once you find upgrades and vehicles, the ocean is your b*tch. The vehicles are so fun and immersive to use and each biome is a beauty to behold. The fauna is very realistic and fun to observe. All the leviathans are my friends now, towards the beginning I was too scared to even come close to them but in the end I found them fascinating.

Perfecto para talasofobicos como yo

got this game cuz of jacksepticeye except i'm scared of the ocean x

A breath of fresh air (haha) back when the market was oversaturated with open world survival games, Subnautica took the idea and went with an underwater theme instead.

see big sea monster, poo pants... repeat

eu tenho talassofobia kkk...

Subnautica is one of the most unique and weirdly terrifying games I've ever played. You crash-land on this alien ocean planet, and it's up to you to survive, explore, and maybe even find a way off. Building underwater bases and vehicles is awesome, but the real magic is exploring the deep. It gets seriously creepy down there, and the first time a giant sea monster pops out of the darkness, your heart will stop. It's beautiful, intense, and not for the faint of heart!

pretty good don't get it on switch though

lots of people yapping about some kind of water-"phobia" or smth here.. am I supposed to believe you don't drink water???? ya'll better send me a video of your ass photosynthesizing or else I'm calling cap cuh

Descobri minha talassofobia.

Gráficos lindos, mas mal otimizados. mesmo assim, é um jogo mundo aberto que se passa no fundo do mar, dando muita originalidade em geral. O jogo é muito viciante e tem um fator rejogável do caralho. O terror psicológico disso aqui na primeira vez que se joga também tem que ser citado, o nervoso que dá em andar certas partes do mapa, como perto do aurora, é inexplicável. Só consegui superar esse medo depois de escanear todos os leviathans. btw, tenho platina disso aqui e é sempre bem legal assistir algum amigo jogando

Despertou o ápice da baianisse em mim

Che ansia quando ti immergi sott'acqua, giosu.

So scary and great story multiplayer needs to be implemented but I feel it would take away from the fear factor

The exploration in this game isn unrivaled, words cannot describe the ass clenching and eye watering moments this game induces, all that with an amazing story with a great pace. I watched videos of every update until i eventually got the game and god i loved it