Reviews from

in the past

é divertido durante as 3 primeiras horas, depois fica repetitivo, eu não consegui jogar mais porque ficava entediado jogando

I've completed it on xbox and playstation before and currently replaying it on PC, genuinely one of my favorite games, the aesthetic is so cool and i enjoy every annual replay of it a little more.

Wow, SuperHot is back... freaking epic slow-mo game!!!

Hard to go back to after you play the VR one

They changed how the level system works and now that game is much harder and a lot less fun when compared to the original.

Me fizeram ficar 5 minutos esperando o jogo recuperar os arquivos

Some interesting gameplay additions but ultimately it goes on for way too long and feels too repetitive. The original game feels very unique the entire way through because it's short and sweet and expanding on it takes some of that away.

While offering the same unique gameplay experience as the original, Mind Control Delete feels somewhat dumbed down. The rogue-like structure of the game does offer different abilities and enemy encounters, but the limited number of levels make it feel much more repetitive.