Reviews from

in the past

The Witcher 2 is a strong sequel to the original game, but I feel it has higher highs and lower lows. In terms of general presentation it is a huge leap forward and is very comparable to first party RPGs of the early 2010s. NPCs look much better and there is a very solid voice cast. Like the first game the writing is the strongest point, with compelling characters and, in my opinion, an even stronger narrative hook. Quests can be adventure-game like, requiring the player to investigate people/areas without always using a big glowing "go here, do this" marker.

One of the main downsides I see with this game is that it feels made for console, rather than for PC. The introduction of some radial UI and the constant use of doors to hide loading, making areas claustrophobic. Maps are, for better and worse, more intricate, mostly being a series of many corridors. Traversal feels like even more of a slog, you will have Geralt rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin' (what) everywhere.

Gameplay is a mixed-bag. The first game was fairly mindless, with simple rhythm-based combat. This game introduces, essentially, Dark Souls-style dodge roll combat (this did come out before the Souls games blew up, so I have no idea if that was actually an influence). Giving the player more control over Geralt does make it a much more engaging experience, but there are some fundamental flaws. One being that the dodge does not have I-frames, so you will get hit when rolling and must essentially use it to only create distance. The combat also bears some similarity to the Batman Arkham games freeflow style, in that Geralt selects attack animations randomly. So there are no combos or deliberate moves. These factors in combination with the Quen spell for blocking one enemy hit means the most straightforward method of fighting is spamming attack and dodging backwards to reapply Quen. Rinse and repeat. So now combat requires more of the player's attention, but still cannot support player expression or in-depth mastery.

That seemed like a lot of complaints, and they were, but as I stated in the beginning, the writing and narrative are very strong to make the tedium of combat worth it. If you enjoyed the first game then this one is a must play.

ocando especificamente em The Witcher 2 e tentando deixar de lado tudo que foi construído com The Witcher 1, os desenvolvedores foram ousados. Preciso rejogá-lo para falar mais especificamente sobre a história, então me concentrarei na construção do jogo aqui.

The Witcher 2 traz consigo uma mecânica que, por mais estranha que pareça nos dias de hoje, se torna muito divertida após algumas horas.

O jogo também apresenta ótimos gráficos para o seu ano de lançamento; os desenvolvedores fizeram mágica com a engine aqui utilizada.

O cerne do jogo se encontra nos dois atos, embora o desenvolvedor principal já tenha comentado que fazer dois atos inteiros não tenha sido a melhor ideia. Foi algo extremamente corajoso para a época e garante ao jogador uma experiência incrível, além da vontade de jogá-lo novamente.

The Witcher 2 é um ótimo jogo, com certeza está entre os melhores que já joguei. São no mínimo 30 horas de boa diversão.

Dê um trocado pra o seu bruxo
Ó, Vale Abundante
Ó, Vale Abundante
Dê um trocado pra o seu bruxo
Ele é quem nos garante

I hate the Gameplay
Story is not as good as 1
I still must play as a Witcher fan

Take off your hood so we can see your beautiful hair!

No me gustó nada de nada lo que pude jugar (2 horas)