Reviews from

in the past

features all your favoritestandard fantasy playbleraces like Babar the elephant from Jade Empire, kahjiit,quilboars straight outta theBarrens and ofc four flavors of SHORT folx (eat your heart out dragondogma2!!!) whom you can specialize into Zenmasters & Samurais as per thetitle suggsts. also has the greatst ending cutscene to any game,yep better than SystemShock2, might be off-putting for local grown-up ironists or humdrum to folX who found Hideaki "I invented the Newgame+" Itsuno's fully realized vision to be superduper meta though, not that theyll ever see wouldnot skip to the last pages of a book look it up on yootoob , right.? thats not the point, did thou not digest D.W.Bradley's monologue at the sea of sorrows, fellow 'RPG game' enthusiast...?