Reviews from

in the past

Playing this game is like experiencing the most breathtaking sunset by the pier, albeit with the occasional annoyance of being pecked by seagulls. The narrative is compelling; it starts with a promising premise and unfolds into an intricate story that masterfully balances suspense and cerebral engagement. It challenges you to predict what will happen next, yet avoids becoming tedious or succumbing to unlikely plot twists. The attention to detail, whether it’s the background characters or seemingly trivial objects, is meticulous, revealing rich descriptions and dialogues that enhance the game world. The interactions between primary and secondary characters range from hilariously entertaining to deeply emotional, each crafted with care.

The characters provoke a mix of admiration and frustration. Initially, the reliance on common anime tropes was off-putting, but as the game progressed, the extensive dialogue and character development won me over. While they sometimes fall back into stereotypical behaviors—which can be jarring if you're not fond of typical anime character antics—the moments of genuine introspection make them endearing and relatable. If you can look past the occasional cringe-worthy, trope-heavy dialogue, you’ll find the character portrayal quite impressive.

Discussing the gameplay of is, unfortunately, essential, given its tight narrative integration. The puzzles, though intriguing from a story perspective, often lack logical coherence, leading to a trial-and-error approach that can disrupt the game's flow. This might be a minor nuisance for some, but for players who dislike repetitive checkpoint restarts, it could detract from the experience. Despite these frustrations, the puzzles are fundamentally connected to the unfolding story, adding depth to the gameplay.

Those seagulls I mentioned earlier? They symbolize the small yet persistent issues I encountered: the humor sometimes feels out of place, breaking the narrative's tone with abrupt sex jokes used to resolve tense situations. The overuse of sexual humor and reliance on anime clichés, along with the occasionally irritating puzzles, sometimes mar the experience in one instance a character is saved from a suspenseful situation due to a sex joke. However, the overarching narrative prowess largely overshadows these flaws, making it a memorable game that's well worth exploring, despite its imperfections.

Un impecable thriller de ciencia ficción y onírico lastrado por un humor pueril. En fin, prefiero quedarme con lo bueno

Story: Sci-Fi detective murder mystery. The best story of any VN I've played, it has branching paths and keeps you guessing until the very end, with a lot of Inception elements. Great writing with some comedy every now and then. Perfectly paced at 20ish hours. Any more details would spoil it.

Sound: Everything is voice acted with quality VA. OST has no bad tracks, it sounds like a mix of Persona and Danganronpa.

Gameplay: Breaks up straight text reading with 3rd and 1st person investigations and puzzles, so you never feel bored. Only complaint is a couple puzzles make 0 sense and require a guide.

Visuals: Awesome colors and sci-fi aesthetic, looks like an anime japanese bladerunner setting. Runs at 90 fps no problem.

Overall: The best visual novel I've ever played, better than Danganronpa, Doki Doki, etc. If you like this genre you need to try it.

more games should end with the ensemble cast doing a dance number and singing i think