Reviews from

in the past

doing the math in ur head for weighted odds is fun if ur an rpg/tcg goblin

Do you have a healthy grasp on how probability works? I don't and now I don't have a face.

Very fun short game, that really comes into its own once you've got the full array of power-ups available to you. The aesthetics are a treat to look at in a sorta gross way, and the distant dancefloor adds an audible weight to things I hadn't expected.

If only I could stop shooting myself in the face...

pretty fun. it always feels like luck is not on my side. Also in the double or nothing gamemode, I really don't like the new items. They feel so absurdly rng based that it ends up being not fun.

Regardless the game as a whole is still about a 6.5/10

Wierdly enough games about twisting the rules of games commonly only reliant on luck is really fun. Despite being short it has an amazing style and it's fun for the entire playthrough. I just wished it was a bit longer or more replayable

finally someone that matches my freak

I got a lot of youtube shorts of this game when it first launched and I thought it seemed neat. Once I actually played it I realized that all the things that are neat about it translated directly to those youtube shorts, and there isn't really anything else you can extract from the game by actually playing it.

The RNG is very visibly stacked against you, and since the game is effectively coin tossing it doesn't really feel that rewarding to overcome those odds. If I had the same items the dealer did I would just win every time.

I'm also not sure why they give you that little walk up to the table when there's essentially nothing to interact with (other than the double or nothing mode).

Idk man just watch Markiplier play it and make a funny face when he gets shot.

O jogo é bem curto (acabei jogando bastante pq queria o 100%, q inclusive nn consegui pq o 1 Milhão desse jogo é insano) é bem simples e divertido, a ambientação passa bem a vibe e a angustia q vc sente quando puxa o gatilho, porem acho q podia ter mais coisa nesse jogo, talvez mais itens, mais inimigos talvez e/ou um modo multiplayer

Eu não sei se foi sorte mas achei o jogo incrivelmente fácil, só usar todos os itens que você mata ele antes que ele possa revidar.

Music slaps, it´s addicting and Im so close to get all the achievements

é legal, me lembra aquele minigame 21 de uma das dlcs do re7. Me cansou bem rapido kkkk joguei umas duas horas ao todo e foi isso, mas acho que nem é pra ser um jogo com tanta rejogabilidade assim. O design é bem daora e o estilo de arte dá uma vibe muito boa pro jogo.

Esto le pasó a un primo mio.

Realmente oq acontece quando tu vai no boteco do seu zé

another great short horror game from Mike Klubnika, the items you get from round 2 onwards are fun and mix up the gameplay pretty well. the club music adds to the anxiety wonderfully, definitely recommend this one

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