Reviews from

in the past

This game was brutal and punishing. I really wanted to give this game 4 stars, but having multiple party wipes in the final missions of the game after spending dozens of hours building up a roster was incredibly demoralizing. I ended up googling guides for the final missions because I was so averse to the thought of losing more party members and having to fully remake a roster. And on that note, the gameplay, while fun at first when you're still seeing new enemy types and experimenting with different party compositions, quickly became incredibly grindy and more of a chore than anything.

But on the same token though, the game was in fact very fun in the beginning. The alure of honing in on and perfecting your idea of the ideal party composition and build amidst the adversity and hardship that the game so proudly touts and shoves in your face was satisfying enough to make me want to see this game to its end. The art style was a treat, the narrator was charming, and the game nailed the atmosphere it was going for, grim and foreboding.

After my fourth party wipe in the last few levels and losing over half my roster, I was on the verge of just dropping the game completely, but I'm glad I saw it through. Expect an engaging, but grindy experience that has the potential to destroy your resolve.

Decent game at first, then it just gets to the point where it's not fun any longer. The RNG doesn't seem so random, and you really get the short end of the stick a vast majority of the time. Whether you are getting critted constantly, getting a lopsided amount of negatives added to your character at the end of each run, or encountering an enemy that can just attack your entire party in one turn (and placing your entire team on death's door), the game is just too frustrating to enjoy for me personally. I don't mind when games are difficult, but when the difficulty is increased exponentially by the computer getting "lucky" way too often on what is supposed to be "random" rolls, it's takes the joy out of the game.

Doing well is less of a rewarding experience and more of a relief that you're done. Every step forward in this game has the potential to send you four steps back and it's just a grating experience.

I REALLY wanted to like this game. I cotinued playing hoping that it would get better or maybe I just needed a different strategy... but rebuilding to replace characters that you lost due to completely random chance is beyond frustrating and I just had to give up eventually. Again, totally fine with getting my ass kicked, as long as it's my own fault. Just not the case here.

I played the game ages ago when I was in higschool, so I dont have it fresh, and neither did i finish it, but I can absolutely remember how cruel, creepy and iconic it was! soo I really recommend it if you are into that!

Its fun but i don't feel to finish it

Top dungeon crawler game. Narration was phenomenal and the overall atmosphere of this game is the strongest selling point.