Reviews from

in the past

man if there was ever one of those dream remake/sequels you'd want, it'd have to be to this one. i want to know what kind of fucked up tabletop hackjob the frenchies based this game off of because this game was pretty insane. hard to believe this came out 13 years ago.

It's a game with something real. I'll probably rank it higher once I play more.

This is the jankiest game that I ever loved.

It's got a multitude of different systems that don't quiiite fit together as well as they should, but there's a charm to the game, and you can tell the folks who made it did so with love.

It's an immersive sim, set in a far future that's very clearly inspired by Warhammer 40,000. There is a grid inventory, lots of different weapons, cyberware plugins, psychic abilities, trust, betrayal, and all the Brouzouf you can carry.

Having taken a playthrough through to every ending, I'm not sure if I would recommend this to just anybody.

Cool Kids only.

This game is a broken and often incoherent Source Engine-based mess, but it has such genuine charm to it, and whenever the game works, it's undeniably satisfying.

Please someone explain me how to play this shit i've tried 4 times to start it and every time I'm utterly confused.