Reviews from

in the past

This is a very special game to me, Love this game and the entire franchise

el inicio de una de mis sagas de videojuegos favoritas chef kiss, juego de "terror" simple y entretenido, gracias Scott <3

five nights at freddy's oh my god this game blew up. when i was a kid i would play this with my cousin and friends not understanding how the game worked at all and tried to progress by any means possible. i remember the hype of everyone trying to beat 4/20 mode and watching live streams to see who would do it first. i was 11 years old then and now i'm 20 and i was able to complete 4/20 mode myself pretty easily with the methods we have now. from the living tombstone song to the fnaf movie finally being made, i love the fnaf franchise and it's always a cool feeling coming back to see where it all started

The real Five Nights were the Freds we made along the way

how the fuck did we get here

but yeah honestly i can appreciate this game for its significance to the genre overall but i do not think it has aged super well in light of its relatives or even literally the game that comes directly after it.

Esperava bem mais por conta do fandom que diz as melhores coisas sobre esse jogo.

the first jacking off while playing game type game

This is one of those games you grow up with and then replay years later and question how it created this famous franchise cause it’s really just alright, still fun every once in awhile

Harharharharhar harharhar harhar