Reviews from

in the past

esse é bala
a jornada de Cleitão da massa e seu filho Garoto para espalhar as cinzas de sua esposa no pico mais alto entre os reinos num mundo ambientado na mitologia nórdica

po foda demais realmente um puta marco pra god of war e um puta reboot depois do genial god of war 3

This was my first God of War game. The graphics are great, the music is wonderful, the gameplay is fun, and the story is outstanding. I was already familiar with Kratos as a character but I could never expect how well he would be depicted in this game. This is easily one of the best games ever made and is still a contender for the best God of War game.

de longe o melhor comparado a todos outros 3 da antiga saga, otima exploração e muito criativo em certos pontos.

Jack of all trades master of none.

There is absolutely nothing bad about this game that I can say. It just feels like it's missing something to push it over the hump.

Changed the direction of this series forever