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Cuando un juego se presenta como algo disruptivo tiene dos opciones: Es tan creativo que se convierte en una experiencia única, o toda esa rareza se convierte en ruido que no dice nada.

Lamentablemente Indika es la segunda.

I am honestly blown away by how much I love this game. It’s genuinely such a personal and beautiful experience and is so well crafted and yet I still cannot put it into words. There are games that push the medium forward and change the boundaries of what’s possible, and Indika certainly fits in with that crowd.

Критика христианства от того, кто о христианстве где-то что-то слышал про "отбивать себе лоб и терпеть дерьмо, потому что нет мозгов" с не пришей кобыле хвост пиксель-артом и таким геймплеем, что лучше бы его вообще не было... Конечно, поскольку её духовная предшественница Сенуа была о том, чтобы пять часов спасать бойфренда, искать нужные точки на карте и рассматривать их со всех сторон, — Индика уж определённо поинтереснее будет. То есть, для игр социальная критика на уровне секс-куклы в мастерской иконописца вполне сойдёт — не всё по ящикам скакать. Так что по меркам игр это вполне себе интерактивный "Андрей Рублёв" на вечерок — пусть труба и несколько пониже, а дым чуть-чуть пожиже. (Даром что трубы тут везде. И кстати, на них смотреть действительно приятно, а ещё приятнее — на снег, которым они припорошены. Неужели хоть один разраб наконец-то понял, что снег вообще-то блестит? И почему я ни разу не удивлён, что этот первопроходец оказался русским.) По крайней мере, её я дропнул, когда разбесился из-за очередного глюка в очередном тупом пазле и поудалял всё к собачьим чертям (кстати, почему монашка чертыхается, а голосу искусителя в её голове на это плевать??), а не потому что, как в Сенуа, мне стало скучно вертеть камерой.

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type of game that fucks my whole life up forever. i can put aside any complaints i had while playing cause i was totally captivated for pretty much the entire time. funny and surreal and sad all at once. perfect for playin in one sitting too!!

religion is maybe not the best thing we have been cookin up us as humans :/

Um jogo bem diferenciado dos demais, ele te impressiona com a imersão que te coloca no jogo, no inicio você vai jogando e achando meio estranho, mas depois só vai ficando mais interessante...

The reviews that are comparing Indika to the video game equivalent of an A24 film are all accurate. But this game also brings with it a revelation of sorts: multiple dimensions and mechanics of play, sometimes drastically different and seemingly clashing, can come together to form an artistic and deliberate final product that is as impeccable with its construction and execution as the most precise of art films. If Fellini or Tarkovsky were game designers, and had the technology allowed, they likely would have made gaming experiences like this.

Whether you respond positively to a game like this will heavily depend on what you think the ultimate point of a video game is. Me, I happen to keep my definitions and expectations rather broad in that regard. As long as I am entertained by the gameplay experience, how the game unfolds before me can vary greatly and I will be receptive. In the case of Indika, I have been introduced to a new level of multifaceted, integrated interactive art that I frankly could not have envisioned prior to playing it for myself.

Yet more proof that Ebert was wrong. Video games absolutely can be (and increasingly are) art.

The message of the game is not only as profound as the best films out there, but it hits a new level of effectiveness within the audience because we are directly interacting with the medium as the point is made. We realize the futility of our object valuation and our sense of context in this story right along with Indika. And that makes her revelations ours as well. It's brilliant three-dimensional storytelling that only the medium of video games can offer. And Indika serves as perhaps the finest example yet of how far that envelope can be pushed.

Indika es un juego que se vendió como algo extremadamente experimental y termina siendo más convencional de lo que esperaba. Por supuesto que en el apartado de historia y narrativa es súper arriesgado y valiente, pero en cuanto a mecánicas, es un típico juego de aventura narrativa (exceptuando pequeñas partes que sirven como "minijuegos" que te expanden un poco más la historia). Cuenta con un apartado visual hermoso y muy estético, aunque flaquean bastante las animaciones. Lo recomiendo si quieren adentrarse en una historia muy buena y original.

extremely fascinating character study & gorgeous cinematography for what feels like a narrative puzzle game equivalent of a tartovsky film. wild stuff

Cannot recall the last time a game - a non-AAA game at least - created so many high-quality assets that are on-screen for such a short time (which is extra funny as I think the key art used for the cover/other places is at least partially AI generated). End-to-end there are rooms teeming with insanely detailed objects, landscapes composed so strikingly and at such scale that they boggle the mind and, hell, even great pixel art. Yet if you're just playing the game normally all of it is moved past in seconds. They clearly were aware of this as they even give you these benches to sit on which provide multiple framed shots of your surroundings, so you can bask in them a bit. Listen lads I wouldn't blame you if you pumped out a quick second game real quick to get your money's worth on that work, my word

que jogo incrível. honestamente não sei nem por onde que começo a falar sobre indika… esse jogo me surpreendeu de várias maneiras começando pelos gráficos LINDOS e depois pelos diálogos e a profundidade deles e da história que acontece em várias camadas seja mudando o estilo de jogo DO NADA ou adicionando puzzles diferentes ou ate mesmo mudando o POV do nada para dar mais ênfase ainda no que está sendo contado. enfim INDIKA é um dos melhores jogos que joguei nesse ano e merece muito mais atenção pela grandiosidade que ele tem dentro dele.

ps: a sequencia final do jogo foi ARTE absolute cinema

Aside from the gorgeous graphics there are many things about this game that I didn't expect. While I won't go into the story as I rather not spoil it the way scenes are "shot" look fantastic and feel like a film at times. Though it's a different theme, I got Tarkovsky's "Stalker" vibes from this but I'm not sure I can really explain as to why other than the heavy dialogue throughout. It touched on religion in a way that wasn't edgy and I felt posed some good questions in morality among other things.
While it is short and a walking sim I think this game does a great job in telling a story that kept me interested in it even if it wasn't always action packed.

there are cathedrals everywhere for those with eyes to see :-)))

rlly makes you FEEL like ur 19 again and still experiencing religious delusions/paranoia. which is like such a specific feeling and thought process and not one I wouldve thought a video game could nail. but nah this took me right back to 2019 and how ill and scared i felt back then. loved any moment where indika was able to sit down and u would be able to cycle through all these beautiful camera angles where each one is centered on her through these like far away creep shots,, like she’s being stalked and looked at w hatred by some unknown figure. idk the feeling of being totally alone but still being watched and like ur never alone even when u want to be is ultimately like an entitled and self important one but it’s crazy to me that a game can get across these v specific feelings.

reminded me lots of i saw the tv glow,,, both ultimately about how living inside ur head and through fantasy is like a v unhealthy lifestyle and bad for mental/physical well-being. how any kind of fantasy whether a positive or negative one is end of day bad for u if it’s all consuming and u can’t live without the fantasies that play out in ur head. u end up seeing and hearing what’s inside ur head rather than what’s actually there in front of u.

religious horror team ico game (tho im sure a case could be easily made that that’s exactly what those games already are) or like alice madness returns w more contemporary aesthetic pretenses. kind of shit that yorgos lanthimos would be making if he wasnt a fucking coward and freak loll and im NOT just saying this bc there’s a disorienting usage of fisheye here tho more things should def use fisheye. zulawski vibesss here too for sure. love this,, finished all in one sitting,, had me in a trance fr
(which the gendered violence had more of a statement or take before the ending and not just in the final section but yk oh well play the cards that im given)

ok but where’s sativa tho😭