Reviews from

in the past


The last case is peak storytelling.

O jogo é meio inconsistente, mas eu ainda gosto.
Não é melhor que o primeiro, mas tem um caso absurdo no final.

Ignore case 3 and we are good

75% of my favorite ace attorney game

god damn that 25% though

I hate turnabout big top. I hate turnabout big top. I hate turnabout big top.

Case 3 is one of the worst dips in qualities I have ever seen for a high quality series. Case 4 is the best in the series (so far at least).

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All continues the courtroom drama with more zany characters, baffling mysteries, and satisfying "Aha!" moments. If you loved the original, this sequel offers more of the same captivating formula. Investigations are engaging as you hunt for clues, and cross-examinations are thrilling as you poke holes in testimonies to uncover the truth. While the core gameplay remains largely unchanged, new mechanics like the Psyche-Lock system add a fresh layer of complexity to your deductions.