Reviews from

in the past

The very first video game I ever played!

just like any other early game from a franchise is bound to be basic, but it's kinda cool they added some stuff from the anime and you can get all starters (even tho some just become useless when you obtain them)

This game is fucking unplayable

Gen 1 is super ubalanced, buggy, slow and outdated, buuut... The bugginess gives them this weird charm that makes the games surprisingly fun. Team-building in Yellow is a bit more limited though, it feels.

Remaining practically identical to its predecessors, with the addition of Pikachu and the ability to obtain the three regional starters in this adventure, Pokémon Yellow is just as fun as the other two games. The Pikachu that follows you and reacts according to its mood adds a special charm to the game. However, aside from the happiness system, which would be further developed in Pokémon Gold, it is more of the same as Red and Blue.

better than red and blue in every way

GooeyScale: 70/100

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Recuerdo que el salto de los niveles por los lados de Erika para arriba es incluso peor que el de Pokémon Rojo/Azul. Lo de Brock es mierda, pero lo de poder capturar todos los iniciales es god.

how did any of you play game boy games