Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good and very fun little mystery game! I may not be the smartest person (I didn't notice the main twist until the epilogue, yes I'm that dumb), but I enjoyed all the main cases and the DLC ones as well (although those didn't feel as good as the main ones).
Something about how this game handles the mystery feels very satisfying and rewarding once you figure stuff out and you fill in the blanks. Can't wait for the sequel!

Loved it so much I finished it in two days.
Clearly influenced by Obra Dinn, but with its own character. Visuals are surprisingly charming and the ost is very nice. The story is legit great spanning many years. Each case is fantastic, some more complex than others, but all equally entertaining. If you like detective games this is one of the goats.

PSA: The Switch version has a bug where the game resets your progress when you exit it! It doesn't happen to everyone, but it did happen to me. Ridiculous that it's still unpatched.

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You can tell a deduction game is good if it feels impenetrable at first, but once you know the full story, it's completely trivial.

By never clarifying what your role is as the player, and dropping you into the middle of scenes, it makes everything feel overwhelming, in a good way.

This is especially great when a new character was suddenly introduced and I was like "who's this guy?", but didn't think too much of it because everything felt a little confusing. So when I realized who he really was in the final scene I felt like a genius and an idiot.

it's a shame that every detective game is trying to find a validation mechanic half as good as Obra Dinn's, but hey, it's the greatest for a reason.

find yourself a man who looks at you the way peter battley looks at mary richards