Reviews from

in the past

Eu havia dito que o MW2 era o meu favorito até então, mas retiro o que eu disse. Este terceiro acaba de se tornar meu favorito da trilogia. Mantém o mesmo nível que os outros dois jogos, mas este aqui tem uma carga a mais, talvez pelo final magnífico que conclui a história. Eu amei as missões de Manhattan, Paris e a última, todas com um level design magnífico

obra prima

This game also had a satisfying ending, the cherry on top was Price lighting up a cigar after Makarov died

RAAHHHH SUCH A GOOD GAME, i did mod lobbies and help people level up and did fun modded shit, it was absolutely amazing. besides that though the story was amazing, survival was sooo unique and a challenge for sure but the multiplayer was an absolute blast.