Reviews from

in the past

it's a fine game, i think it's trying to say some deep things about overcoming difficulty in video games or something but i didn't really get it tbh. towards the end i started putting on Angry Video Game Nerd videos and that made me feel better about myself actually. Not bad and i'd still recommend playing it, but didn't make me rethink the medium of video games or whatever.

couldn't get past a couple boulders but it was fun, awesome voiceover. love watching speedruns

As somebody who's completed this game 50+ times I can confirm. It is a game.


Nothing beats the feeling of conquering that mountain.

Frustrating and very difficult.
Ultimately a rewarding experience to push through the pain and finally reach the top of the mountain.

i played a good bit of this game over the years and today i finally locked in and decided that i would complete the game. i remember getting past the bucket once or twice but i just never ended up making the last stretch then

this is a masterpiece. i get it now

clear time: 1h 49m 51s 050ms

Det her spil er ikke svært, det er bare spillerne der er dårlige

nothing wrong with difficult games especially this one

i understand it but also i do not have the patience or the sanity. i also think this guys voice became a trigger for me, i literally had to play on mute after a while because i just could not take it

fuck this guy

*unfinished thoughts)