Reviews from

in the past

Not as good as Bravely. Better than the OG for sure.

removed 3 members from my party to try and get through this door that required i have only one party member, couldn't get through, and now quite literally cannot add people back into my party which is kinda annoying because i had a lot of hours on it and wanted to finish it. Will probably come back to it and try to fix it (again) ater

this game perfected its predecessor for me but like not too much. the developer did well by making more seamless interaction between traveler and the joint plot is a nice touch. the ending and the post individual arc are a good wrap up to the main plot. i love the ship traveling mechanic too it really is a homage to retro jrpg's overworld travel. i hope they make more from this series!

Terra meter: 82%

Story/narrative - 3/5
Gameplay - 5/5
Sound/music - 4/5
General presentation - 4.5/5
Overall enjoyment - 4/5