Reviews from

in the past

Going through this game after years is honestly kinda disappointing. I mean not as disappointing as when I spent money on Madagascar 3 for PS3, but you know what I mean. They did good with the roster. Kratos, Ratchet & Clank, jak & Daxter, Cole/Evil Cole, Nathan Drake, Sly Cooper, Sackboy, PaRappa, and plenty of other classic playstation characters are here. Their moveset definitely shows the developers did their best with this game. Even the different sections are done so well. I also love the different outfits each character has and having their own theme. Enjoyed their own story sections of the game and how the rival scenes are.

The gameplay is something that I wish can be proved upon. For exmaple of how you get kills in he game. I'm glad that this feels different than Smash Bros, but I wish they didn't have to make this feel WAY too different. I'm really not into using supers to be the only way to get kills. The final boss fight in each character's story is incredibly lackluster. Some rival scenes are fine but honestly some of them feel too rushed like they HAVE to fight. Which is honestly kinda disappointing.

I definitely see the potential in this game. though it's just disappointing Though I do say it is very fun I have to say. If you like, make sure to play this game with other people to have a much better experience. I will be playing more of this game on my own to get more costumes and clear a lot of the stories for these characters. Also I appreciate having Kat from Gravity Rush here.

This that new platform fighter everyone’s talking about right? The one with oddly slow moves, things that don’t string together, and a wasted roster and potential? That one? Cause yeah it’s def all of those things. Such an odd roster that could’ve been so much more. It’s cool in concept but man the choices are so odd. Everyone rags on Evil Cole but he’s an echo so I get it right. But like…Sir Daniel? He hadn’t been relevant in a decade. Fat Princess? REBOOT Dante? Weird. I think it’s fine for the time but still just some odd picks. I have never EVER seen a character like Kratos, however. He shuts the game off at select he is SO SO SO GOOD that it makes everyone else obsolete. I wanted to play around in arcade mode with a bunch of characters but everyone else was so bad in comparison that there was no point. The bot was beating me by 7 on every match on Hard mode. The Stages here are great tho. They mix two series in every one and it is SUPER cool, some of the combos are great like Killzone and fucking Parappa. Honestly, I wish smash would still this idea because it’s so good. Oh and yeah, not stock mode in this game. If with the mechanic of having to kill with super (which is dumb as hell) it makes sense but like. Idk. Odd. This game is a relic. A cool one, but a relic. It’d be interesting to see them revisit this with their new cast of characters such as Astro Bot or the Back of Generic Gun Man #5.