Reviews from

in the past

cool game but never fully got into it. always died and never caught up

amazing gameplay, love to play with youtube playing in the background

very good game that's better with friends

didnt play it enough to rate it well

An objectively good game that I didn't enjoy. Killer art direction, a solid soundtrack, and fun moment-to-moment gameplay is ruined by abrupt, unsatisfying conclusions to runs - no game feels worse to die in than this one. Couple that with a feeling of unbalance that I just can't shake leaves me feeling disappointed overall. It's honestly a shame, because the movement and bossfights are killer. I'll likely come back to this, but unless something in the future changes my mind, my rating stands as is.

bad for controller, never got a refund

I just don't like rougelikes.

I can’t give a 6 or a 7
It’s a good multiplayer but It’s just not my type you know

why is it not 5 stars? blind pest.

me when i do 2e+13 damage because i picked up 20 florpungeses that synergize with my gobbledygook


Good game! Burnt out though. Has replayability on the surface but not enough for me

Probably the best shooter roguelike ever. Amazing modding community with a great soundtrack.

One of the greatest roguelikes of all time, and still getting banger dlc to this day.

Hopoo games showed that they're not ones to make a 1 hit wonder. Risk of Rain 2 could be it's own titled game, only sharing characters from the first and it could totally stand on it's own. The switch from 2D to 3D is never easy, but the people at Hopoo make it look easy.

… and his music was electric

probably the greatest roguelike i’ve ever played, and definitely my favorite. the learning curve can be harsh, but getting through it will earn you an experience unlike any other game

Whatever you think, Christodoulou is too good for us mortals

meu roguelike preferido!

amo o fato dele ser 3ª pessoa e como cada personagem tem uma gameplay tão única e original.

o temporizador como um dos fatores determinantes para a dificuldade de cada run é algo que vai separar quem é "zé lootinho" de quem não é (risos)

o multiplayer cai muito bem também, dando total liberdade para repetir ou não os personagens como também a possibilidade de definir builds diferentes

além dos coletáveis, missões e níveis secretos, há outros modos de jogo, o que amplia ainda mais o leque de diversão que o jogo proporciona!

e por último, tem uma trilha sonora PERFEITA!!!!! (pra quem curte rock, é um prato cheio)