Reviews from

in the past

I really want to love this game, but there are just too many issues to overlook.

This is a tactics game with a varied roster, but the strength of each character varies wildly. It seems as if some characters have tools and abilities that are extremely strong and other characters were not given much consideration. Additionally, you "find" characters throughout the game, but i went maybe half the game without even having the option to recruit new characters before three additional bruisers popped up right before the final mission.

The game features three factions who have theri own respective doomsday clocks that advance much quicker than you can prevent them; most missions may reduce the clock by 1-2 points, but the clocks may advance by as much as five points in a turn. As the clock advances, the enemies get tricker and more advance, and your squad of three is routinely outnumbered by 10+ enemies in multiple combat scenarios per mission. You have the option of using some real time techniques to reduce the number of enemies before battels, but those skills are significantly limited. Combat often felt like an exercise in frustration instead of a poof of skill or talent.

The must frustrating thing has to be the bugs and the crashes with the last crash coming just as i escaped the final level after killing the boss. I really wanted to like this game, but there are better experiences out there.