Reviews from

in the past

"i know i cannot expect everyone to be understanding. it is a continual struggle to feel truly accepted by everyone. but im ever hopeful. i have my own pride and dignity.
if i betray myself first, then what meaning would integrity have at all for me?"

this game was so beautiful. i almost wish i hadnt played it just so that i would get to read it again.

A game that you can say was written through "sapphic lenses". This visual novel captures the harsh difficulties a lot of queer, Asian people go through in stark detail.

From societal norms, familial expectations, lack of personal drive due to pressure, identity struggles, and many more, this game highlights many pivotal issues that affect the everyday lives of many queer people through breathtaking visuals, emotional dialogue, and overall complex (albeit sometimes a little one-note) relationships between the characters.

As someone who identifies with much of what's presented in this visual novel, I want to commend the dev for the amount of care and attention they put into the story and how it was portrayed. Not every life experience is the same, and the attempt to convey the different perspectives of each character in a way that doesn't fully vilify them for their flaws or differences is something I greatly appreciate

Overall, this is a very touching and aesthetically beautiful story that gives people the representation and hope they might want in their life— and during the time I found and played this game, it truly moved me in a way that I needed it to

Sam i think about you every day. one of the best lesbian games period also the music and art go crazyyyyy

Absolutely gorgeous artwork, satisfactory prose.

These damn lesbians made me cry!!!

best h scenes in a yurige god bless. sam has a dangerous amount of game. we need more girls who bite in yuri

There aren’t enough lesbian games out there to begin with. I think that this story was beautifully done in a simplistic way. The adult patch was a nice addition, but overall, this was nicely done in a cultural context.

I cannot find enough words to describe how amazing this game is. The story, the dialogues, the soundtrack, the artwork, everything! The relationship between Michelle and Sam develops into such a sweet and pure thing, with ups and downs in between. They are so different yet they end up understanding each other - Sam is a free spirit, and Michelle lives with a very conservative mother and takes time to realize who she really is.

It is quite hard to find good lesbian representation without it being fetishized, but this game represents us so well and in such a wholesome way. It really made me dig deep into the story from the start till the end.

I regret not buying this game at full price before, I really should've done it, but now I am looking forward to the next games the devs might release!