Reviews from

in the past

"A Fire Emblem with really gorgeous art [but please please draw women with at least SLIGHTLY more realistic breasts please god] set in the 19th century" is an incredible pitch aimed like, directly at me, and I was digging it for a little while but then my interest just completely evaporated.

I think if that pitch I described above would hit for you, too, you should give this a shot--it might really hit and then you'll have a lovely game!

really loved this game. Imagine the dev had a higher budget!

French waifus talking in mandarin. The problem is that the game's idea of challenge is giving you bs rules (limit of turns with new enemies showing up constantly, sheer luck when it comes to landing hits). This is the game's idea of challenge and it's pretty damn stupid.

Fun Turn based game, story is alright and it has build variety

Starts off good but the later chapters kinda suck. Character design is the only thing holding this game up.

Unusual TRPG rendition of some fantasized French revolution that is actually great in terms of content and only lacks the technical polish to compete with bigger franchises.
+ exceptional unit balance (owing largely to non-RNG stat increases and universal skills)
+ thematically distinct and refined aesthetics
+ large number of varied missions — including optional ones — for 25+ hours of content
+ good gameplay customization (excluding the absence of enemy turn skips)
+ weapon durability without permanent breaking
+ quite messy but still decent story for the genre
+/- over-the-top attractive character designs
- terrible camera control
- clunky UI in menus (respect to sensible gameplay keybinds, though)
- no interactions between characters outside the main story
- a lot of arbitrary and unforeseeable failure states making levels frustrating on any difficulty setting