Reviews from

in the past

Sabe aquele negócio que você passa horas com um gosto ruim na boca mas mesmo assim insiste esperando que algo de real valor apareça? Pois é. Até é intrigante, mas as falhas de gameplay e do próprio roteiro acabam prejudicando o desenrolar da narrativa. Além disso, as escolhas em sua maioria são plásticas e você não tem motivo pra fazer as negativas com relação ao seu irmão e à cadela robô, o que, em geral, vai meio que inviabilizar a existência dos outros finais.

This is basically a point and click adventure with beautiful environments, a nice ost and an interesting lore behind it.
There are some big flaws though. For start the opening of the story is pretty intriguing, but the game starts with a time skip and you feel really lost. There's a lot of lore behind it, but never expands into something actually interesting except the very ending.
The gameplay is also pretty frustrating. You get all of these items with sci-fi jargon descriptions that you're not exactly sure what they do, so your only option is to use them on everything in hope they interact with something.
Also there are a lot of fetch quests where you have to go to the other side of the map to get something and come back again.
There is also an arena where you fight with various creatures in turn based battles. I think I read that they add it later to tackle complaints for the lack of combat (why would an adventure have combat in the first place is beyond me), but it's completely unnecessary and a waste of dev time.

Even with all these flaws I would still recommend it. There's something relaxing about it and the pre-rendered backgrounds are drop dead gorgeous.

Desubrí a The Brotherhood con este juego que encontré a 1 euro en la eShop de Nintendo y creo que ha sido el euro mejor pagado de mi vida

This one starts off pretty hot. Really cool setup and intro. The world seems really interesting at first and the storytelling gimmicks seem really promising.

And then it sorta falls apart. Pacing is a bit too slow, story too thin. Some of the maps are really hard to navigate. The story is overall fairly generic and there's just not enough otherwise to make up for that. This is an easy pass unless you got it for free or something in a Humble Bundle or whatever