Reviews from

in the past

If i could give it 6 stars I would. Favourite game of all time. Closest piece of media to my heart and brought me to some of my most beloved interests. Also was my intro to FromSoftware games which are just the best pieces of entertainment right now. I beg you to buy a PlayStation and then this game. It is worth it. Trust me.

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Decidi ir à platina, já que só me faltavam 3 ou 4 troféus. Incrível como ainda estou a descobrir coisas sobre este jogo, uma verdadeira pérola. Desta vez explorei mais os Chalice Dungeons e, apesar de ter usado False Depths para obter certos Ritual Materials e ir direto à Yharnam, gosto mais deles agora, e é engraçado jogá-los depois de ter jogado Elden Ring e ver o protótipo das cavernas do último.

Continua a ser um dos meus jogos favoritos de sempre, os riscos tomados valeram a pena, apesar das suas falhas (ter que farmar Blood Vials, não poder descansar nas lanternas, etc.).

Add chalice dungeons to Elden Ring you cowards

Fromsoft's best in class. Gameplay and mechanics, environments, characters, lore all complement each other beautifully to create an unforgettable experience.

This game is a masterpiece. If you're looking to get Bloodborne, you need to get this one. To get the best of Bloodborne, you need both the maingame and DLC.

i played it 2017, think it was pretty good


Another game that I watched and not played, this time because I'm bad at it. An amazing game that is a delight to take in. Very, VERY wet.

Another completed FromSoftware game. The game has really high highs, but some low lows for me. Not sure if it's because I am so used to movement from DS1 and DS3, but I found the beginning to be frustrating to get used to. That, combined with the fact that the bosses weren't as memorable to me as other FS games, leads me to rate it a bit lower than other FS games I have played. Will definitely replay in the future though.

easy 10/10 if the bosses at the beginning weren't so dogwater

Back at it again with another Bloodborne replay and this game still kicks ass to the moon and back

Started fresh and got Platinum this time, managed to do it all in one playthrough so I would be surprised if I came back for another go around any time soon. But hey, ya never know

Tied with DS3 for favourite game of all time.

I hate to think like the majority of players but this time, i can't think differently. I played it recently and it became one of my favorite game of all time. The mechanics take a time to learn but when you got them, the game is just pure pleasure until the end. And the story is good too but don't forget to read everything to understand what's going on in this crazy city.

every second of this game is perfect

Estética maravilhosa que combinou demais com essa gameplay souls-like. Um jogo impecável que dificilmente vai ser superado pela From Software.

If you are looking for a game with tough challenges and great combat, you must try Bloodborne. Bloodborne is another of Miyazaki's masterpieces, and this time you are not faced with the cycle of darkness and light, and you step into the world of dreams, or rather, nightmares. If you are looking for the experience of Bloodborne, like other games of this studio, you should also experience the DLC. The DLC of the game was one of the best DLCs I have ever experienced and it beautifully completes the unfinished stories of the main game in its own way. Finally, if you are looking for a trophy, this game is one of the easiest Souls titles to platinum

-The soundtrack is perfection
-Lady Maria
-The First Hunter
-i think i died on ludwig the most in all of souls (second phase)

-i prefer humanoid bosses and most bosses are beast
-can't buy the dlc soundtrack

El segundo mejor juego de miyazaki para mi gusto con una banda sonora memorable, bosses difíciles pero justos y majestuosos, ambientación inigualable y Lore increíble. Las armas con truco y las runas dan mucho juego y son muy innovadoras y todo esto sin meternos a hablar de los cálices pthumerios. El DLC es muy completo y tiene unos de los mejores bosses y armas.

I struggled a lot with all the Dark Souls games, so I went to this one and this was the first FromSoft game I managed to finish and I absolutely loved it, the lovecraftian eldtrich horror is such an amazing idea to explore. This is probably my favorite FromSoft game right next to Sekiro. Worth a try, believe me.

Bloodborne is the only souls game that I've beaten multiple times. Its a game everyone has to at least try once.

Its biggest downfall is the 30 fps limit, but you do get used to it. Hopefully one day they will give this game the Demon Souls treatment.

Dark Souls 3 en plus agressif avec un revêtement Lovecraft 👏👏👏
Viscéral, exigeant, classe, qu'est-ce tu veux de plus ?

Mention spéciale à Lady Maria qui m'a botté mon cul. J'ai adoré ça.

Bloodborne, upon replaying, is seriously my favorite video game ever made. I thought the recency bias had me, but replaying the game was just as fun, if not MORE. Exploring these areas all over again, I felt like a veteran of the game, trying new builds and new weapons on a handful of runs. I'm not even one to replay games a ton, but Bloodborne is absolutely one of the most replayable games I've ever played before. I am currently playing through Sekiro, and have beaten Elden Ring. So I don't want to speak too early, but this feels like FromSoftware's masterpiece. The atmosphere and the lore is so amazing, and made me truly appreciate environmental storytelling.

This is one of the few games that I believe changed my life. This game is perfect for blowing off steam, and really challenging myself. I know it's just a game, but beating bosses in this game feels so accomplishing, and makes me feel better as a person. Which is probably sad, but I find it cool.

Now I'm going to move on to The Old Hunters, which i'm both terrified and excited for.

Shoutout to Bloodborne. Outstanding game. My new all-time favorite.