Reviews from

in the past

After 100%ing this game I can completely understand why people want it on PC. The outfits, the weapons, the locations, everything about this game was on point. Even though the hub thing from Demon Souls sort of made a return here, I feel like it was better implemented and fit the setting. There were like 1-2 main game bosses that were sort of disappointing but to be honest I’m kind of nitpicking. The only real “eh” about the game were the chalice dungeons but even then they were satisfying to finally complete. Not to mention the STELLAR dlc which was a complete home run and by far my favorite DLC in any of the souls games I have played (yet to play DS3). The bosses in the DLC were so, so well-designed and the sound direction was phenomenal. This game is a must-play and I seriously hope that one day it gets a remaster/port so that more people are able to experience it.

music, atmosphere, gameplay, lore, music again, the game awarding aggressiveness, my fit being hard as fuck. only things holding this back from being a 5/5 are a few bosses in the base game. micolash, witches, reborn, shadows of yharnam. BUT every other boss, rom maybe less so, are so good it doesnt even matter.

Bloodborne is a fast-paced, enjoyably challenging action game by From Software. It takes a multitude of steps to differentiate itself from Dark Souls, but still benefits from many of the same strengths. Bloodborne has very few (if any) low points, and many of the bosses and tracks are some of the best in the series (DLC bosses especially). The parry mechanic is an exhilarating method of getting the player to play riskier, and the increased speed and rally mechanic second that intention. Unfortunately, many will find that it’s still better to play reactively than aggressively against the majority of Bloodborne’s vicious bosses, which downplays the new mechanics’ strengths. The rally mechanic is also a footnote against any strong enemy, since the amount healed pales in comparison to their immediate damage output. That being said, Bloodborne is a solid title, and one I can recommend to anyone, even players new to the Souls series.

Bloodborne is the only souls game that I've beaten multiple times. Its a game everyone has to at least try once.

Its biggest downfall is the 30 fps limit, but you do get used to it. Hopefully one day they will give this game the Demon Souls treatment.

Includes my favourite game and favourite dlc!

easy 10/10 if the bosses at the beginning weren't so dogwater

The definitive version of this masterpiece (for the moment)

Loved what I played of it, Want to go back one day

Dark Souls 3 en plus agressif avec un revêtement Lovecraft 👏👏👏
Viscéral, exigeant, classe, qu'est-ce tu veux de plus ?

Mention spéciale à Lady Maria qui m'a botté mon cul. J'ai adoré ça.

It’d be difficult to ever say anything bad about this game if it ran well. But it doesn’t run well so you can just say that.

piace a vanni, però i calici sono molto perusi

el mejor juego de la historia fin

really cant find any flaws exept for the bloodvial system. which has its advantages ig

Marvellous, marvellous game, aesthetically superior to its predecessors with a unique art style and influence to boot - I was taking screenshots all the fucking time.
Some bosses were kinda meh icl like 3 gimmick ones and with the main story being so short it drags down the quality - that being said I am yet to play the DLC and will update this review once that happens.

Another game that I watched and not played, this time because I'm bad at it. An amazing game that is a delight to take in. Very, VERY wet.

Honestly back to 2015 - best game easily. Design of locations, monsters, weapon - absolutely perfect.
Need to revisit it soon.

Bloodborne, upon replaying, is seriously my favorite video game ever made. I thought the recency bias had me, but replaying the game was just as fun, if not MORE. Exploring these areas all over again, I felt like a veteran of the game, trying new builds and new weapons on a handful of runs. I'm not even one to replay games a ton, but Bloodborne is absolutely one of the most replayable games I've ever played before. I am currently playing through Sekiro, and have beaten Elden Ring. So I don't want to speak too early, but this feels like FromSoftware's masterpiece. The atmosphere and the lore is so amazing, and made me truly appreciate environmental storytelling.

This is one of the few games that I believe changed my life. This game is perfect for blowing off steam, and really challenging myself. I know it's just a game, but beating bosses in this game feels so accomplishing, and makes me feel better as a person. Which is probably sad, but I find it cool.

Now I'm going to move on to The Old Hunters, which i'm both terrified and excited for.

Shoutout to Bloodborne. Outstanding game. My new all-time favorite.

Another completed FromSoftware game. The game has really high highs, but some low lows for me. Not sure if it's because I am so used to movement from DS1 and DS3, but I found the beginning to be frustrating to get used to. That, combined with the fact that the bosses weren't as memorable to me as other FS games, leads me to rate it a bit lower than other FS games I have played. Will definitely replay in the future though.

"Dear, oh dear. What was it? The Hunt? The Blood? Or the horrible dream? Oh, it doesn't matter... It always comes down to the Hunter's helper to clean up after these sort of messes. Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt..."

Fast and rewarding combat, lore for the world-building lovers, it's one of Fromsoftware's biggest triumphs to date.