Reviews from

in the past

This game starts out as an incredibly fun coop shooter puzzle experience, but quickly falls into a unfollowable story riddled with absolutely terrible puzzles which have no meaningful answer to them OR are so glitch-prone that sometimes the puzzle was unsolvable on first load. The game really falls off to it's lowest point midway through and only slightly improves later on until completely falling back on it's face while you have to guide your friend blindly through an annoying ass maze where you have essentially no clue what your friend can see and you have to kinda guess whether or not you're guiding them the right way due to the map not being a 3D depth map, but still shows cave systems/tunnels which can be under or above your friend.

The ending is nothing spectacular and it's 5 minutes of sitting there doing the same tasks (not even puzzles really) going off repeatedly until the timer hits 0 and you're safe. The biggest problem with this sequence is that it's RNG which tasks need doing, and when they need them done, so if 2 tasks need doing at the same time, then while your friend is doing the second one a third goes off, you're entirely screwed and need to reset.

This game has so many fatal flaws that it felt like the game had 0 playtesting and had more emphasis put into the graphics than actual puzzle design.

An excellent co-op experience to share with a pal. In my case i played through this with my brother. We both enjoyed it greatly, and were pretty surprised by the directions it took; very system shock meets Chernobyl.

For a fairly obscure game by a fairly obscure developer, it very much punches above it's weight.