Reviews from

in the past

Shockingly extensive. And with a final results screen at the end that reveals a surprisingly high skill ceiling.

I just don't like puzzle platformers :/

A simple yet devious little puzzle game where you create and manipulate blocks to get to the end of each level. Don't let the looks deceive you, this game has some very difficult puzzles, all of which are very well thought out. My main issue is the lengths and replayability. Once you beat the game, you don't have any incentive to come back and there aren't many puzzles to begin with. With that said, it is a quirky game that I recommend to any avid puzzle platformer enjoyers.

Very simple puzzle game that knows exactly what it wants to do. The levels are all pretty simple and easy until the very end of the game, the extra levels, and the challenge levels. Good game length. Wasn’t too short but didn’t overstay its welcome. Each additional mechanic felt like a good addition to the game.