Reviews from

in the past

"Call of Duty" marked the beginning of what would become an iconic and never-ending franchise in the video game industry. It set itself apart with a great World War II campaign that brought the brutal reality of war to life in a way that not many games managed to do so.

The game’s campaign was a standout for its length and difficulty, challenging players with missions that required strategic thinking and quick reflexes. Set across various European theaters of war, players experienced the visceral intensity of battle from the perspectives of American, British, and Soviet soldiers.

The difficulty of the game was a point of praise. It did not shy away from presenting a challenging experience. The satisfaction derived from completing tough missions contributed significantly to the game's replay value.

The launch of "Call of Duty" in 2003 laid the foundation for a franchise that would go on to explore various other eras and conflicts, but in my eyes, this is THE Call of Duty. The one that stays true to its name.

„Wenn Sie nicht so dumm wie hässlich sind, dämmert Ihnen vielleicht, dass jede Waffe ihren eigenen Zweck hat.“

„Bei der Produktion dieses Spiels wurden keine Kühne [sic!] verletzt.“

Eine erstaunlich gut gealterte Kampagne, die sich über mehrere Jahre des Zweiten Weltkriegs erstreckt und den Spieler dabei historisch teils signifikante Militärmissionen aus Sicht verschiedener Protagonisten erleben lässt.

Ob im Panzer mit überraschend optimierter Steuerung schneebedeckte Schlachtfelder befahren oder zu Fuß mit einer kleinen Truppe in ein bayerisches Nazi-Schloss einbrechen – all das ist technisch eindrucksvoll umgesetzt und macht Spaß. Als Highlight empfinde ich die Infiltration eines deutschen Kriegsschiffs, mit dem weiten Meer und den engen, U-Boot-ähnlichen Metallgängen.

Nach der umständlichen Einrichtung läuft Call of Duty angenehm flüssig und praktisch bugfrei. Oft überlagern jedoch Alarmgeräusche oder das Feuern der Waffen stark die gute Musik und manche Gespräche. Das trägt zwar zum erstaunlich hohen Realismus des Spiels bei, zermürbt aber die Nerven mit der Zeit.

Nimmt man den Multiplayer-Modus aus der Gleichung heraus, sind ganze 20 € schon stark an der Schmerzgrenze. Schön finde ich aber den kreativen Abspann, so etwas habe ich bisher noch nie gesehen!

Das ist übrigens mein erster COD-Teil.

Gespielte Fassung: Uncut-Windows-Version mit deutscher Synchro unter Linux

köprü savunma görevinin amınakoyayım

Great game! The OG that started it all. I have a few reasons why I would rate it so low, such as: really terrible AI on my team, but the other team are almost hacking to me XD, and another reason is that some missions are truly hard to do. Other than that the WWII was really portrayed great into this game, especially the rusian campaign in Stalingrad

This review contains spoilers

Captain Price dies

Lançou depois de Halo Combat Evolved e é pior em todos os sentidos possiveis. Puta que pariu, Call of Duty SEMPRE teve esse problema de depender muito de ADS, que horror.

Está entretenido y las mecánicas se mantienen sorprendentemente bien, menos por algunas cosillas.

Campaing is really good and fun.

her bölümü akılda kalıcı, serinin en iyilerinden birisi...

Серия КАЛ оф дюти с первой части оправдывает своё название...

I didn't expect much going into this game, but I was taken completely by surprise by how much fun I had. The story was amazing with some iconic missions with really cool set design, such as the missions on Pegasus Bridge, the Tirpitz and Brecourt Manor. The entire Soviet campaign was ruthless, making a valiant effort to capture the tragedy of war.

The best part about this game is the gameplay itself. The rawness and simplicity of the gameplay mechanics result in a super satisfying and fun gunplay system with a certain charm that seems to be lost in newer FPS games.

The Call of Duty franchise started with a banger and I 100% recommend this game to FPS fans for an excellent story with great gameplay.

I am so thankful for my young uncle at the time who always had new military games to play.
I played COD on PC at release when I was 8 years old, and replayed it and its extension many times and I still come back to it every few years. It feels like a privilege as a gamer and fan of the series and the FPS genre.

A classic "blockbuster" WWII game that sets itself apart through sheer quality of level design, gunplay and atmosphere.

Call of Duty is nothing special. All of the problems I have with most post-boomer/early 2000s shooters are present here. The AI is primitive, the level design is simplistic, and it's restrictingly linear. Combat mostly revolves aro und waiting for enemies to poke their heads out and immediately murdering them.

It's hard to see how this spawned a mega-franchise. It doesn't seem like an improvement over Medal of Honor.

i play this at my lowest
fucking hate this game with my guts
killing males is satasfying

Truly grandfather of the franchise, although it strides on roots of it's Medal of Honor footprints, it's a freshly stunning hood classic. Same old habits of heavily scripted, grounded cinematics and inmersive sounds of artillery married to frenetic gunplay and blockbuster stylized stageworks. The story strolls on spectacular espionage WW2 settings and marches through chronicles of soviet sabotage, blessed with first-person storytelling that suits envigorating for theatrical entertainment galore. Truly takes a knack for Kar98's and non-regenerative health as veteran videogame catnip. It's fun to see how the hardened style of gameplay evolved to instant gratification whilst being absurdly fun to behold.

Extremely dated. Friendly AI sucks, enemy AI cheats, missions are awfully paced, and that fucking machine gun noise will forever be stuck in my head.

Not as fun as a remember, and honestly a lot harder than I remember too.

The first Stalingrad mission and raising the flag over the Reichstag are two of the finest moments in gaming though.

Oh look, a classic WW2 shooter! I sure hope it doesn't turn into a yearly franchise with microtransactions, lootboxes and battlepasses in the future!

Слишком уж устаревшая игра, играть в неё просто скучно, нет интересного сюжета, геймплея, всë как-то обычно и скудно.

why always fighting with american

Algun dia me volveré a jugar la campaña, grandes tardes me dio

A very fun and immersive WW2 shooter, I can see why this game got a lot of sequels.

its alright to see where it all began

fuck veteran tho

amazing game, i never played this CoD before (i think i only tried the XBLA arcade demo version of this on xbox360 when i was 12 back in 2018-ish), i know this is the first CoD game in the series


- amazing graphics (even on potato macbooks)
- cool gameplay
- great WW2 setting
- music is good

- the first level and dawnville demo are great before buying this game (highly recommended if you have never tried out CoD before for Dummies aka Gen Alpha people only)

- Captain Price from the Modern Warfare series made his first appearance in that game (which actually he's actually born in Soldier of Fortune 1 named "John Mullins" which is made by the same publishers of CoD)

- the gun designs peaked way better than CoD WWII & Vanguard


- levels gets very difficult in some missions unlike most CoD games nowadays (the only con i can say, that's all.)


it was fine but it was a start of the series. it was pretty much a ww1 historical simulator. gun play was fine

A game that I downloaded much later after it came out. I can't state the reason, I found out relatively late, but as soon as I found out, believe me, I didn't leave the house until I played.

Все хорошо ровно до того момента, как заканчивается первая миссия советской компании, после игра тебя начинает дико душить, особенно оорона общаги. Миссия где танком управляем, немного разбавляет, но это максимум, дальше ничего интересного не будет и игру можно смело дропать.
Если бы вся игра была как кампания за амеров, то легкие 4/5

ça a mega bien vieilli ?! l'immersion est tres bonne les niveaux sont ouverts et tout fin eh

O jogo envelheceu bem, ainda dá pra jogar até nos dias de hoje. Recomendo Call of Duty caso você queira um jogo bom e leve de FPS e um pouco de história.

Idk, why I enjoy this game so much, something about its simplicity, and I guess it just takes me back to a simpler time.