Reviews from

in the past

Cupid Parasite is an absolutel WILD RIDE of an otome, and I mean that in the best way possible. If you love lots of laugh-out-loud moments in your otome games, then play this game. CupiPara also goes out of its way to cram in as many cheesy romance tropes as possible. Here is a list of just a few that can be found in the various routes of this story:

- Fake dating
- Soulmates
- Friends to lovers
- Forbidden love
- Secret identity

...And many more that I can't list without giving spoilers. CupiPara knows exactly what it is, and embraces its cheesiness fully. Huge recommend if you want a sweet and funny read.

Also, Ryuki is my favorite.

This review contains spoilers

genuinely the most fun i've ever had with an otome game. how did they do it. someone else said it but it truly is for the girls and the gays

things i enjoyed:
❥ THE SOUNDTRACK oh my god IT'S SOOOO FUN i think it's so cute that all the love interests and lynette have little theme songs
❥ the art and visual design is so fun and poppy and good
❥ i'm the kind of person who dreads bad ends but reads them anyway out of curiosity's sake but this one has like. FUN bad ends. isn't that crazy. i was enjoying myself there too
❥ plot points:
➛ zeus: "the distinction between man and woman is no longer necessary. and no other androgynes need exist apart from myself." <- obsessed with this. zeus validating nb identities and then establishing himself as The Ultimate Non-Binary Person Ever in one breath is hilarious to me
➛ gill transformers fight. what the hell LMFAOOOO
➛ i thought all the little pop culture references were sooo cute
➛ the ultimate Working Couple (shelby/lynette)
➛ mars and his stupid little roomba
➛ lynette's transparent little crush on claris. i get that it's supposed to be foreshadowing her being a succubus but there's only so many times u can read lynette thinking "claris' smile made her look like an angel" "claris is the cutest person in the world" before being like Oh. Girl is a little bit in love
➛ Allan Melville

my biggest gripe with this is that it's a bit hard to tell the difference between when lynette is thinking and when she's speaking :(
also otome games also tend to be cishetnormative and this is no exception (outside of zeus being The Non-Binary Entity and one instance where lynette mentions angels potentially being genderless) so i often just try to zone that out, but i do wish that cupid corp wasn't so insistent on Men and Women. the brief moment where raul was like "Oh, Cupid is a woman? So was Cupid and Psyche just a friendship thing?" SIR...
i also have a problem with how los york (assumedly a combo of los angeles and new york) has basically zero diversity but it's a japanese game so that's not surprising

allan > jupiter > raul>/= ryuki > shelby >>>>>> gill

Cupid Parasite was INCREDIBLY fun. The characters and LIs work so well as an ensemble cast; their dynamics and interactions are just so entertaining and often chaotic. Lynette is a great MC, and it never felt like her personality changed drastically from route to route. There are plenty of emotional moments (and some melodrama), but I found myself laughing so often because the characters and situations are so funny a lot of the time. Overall, it was a very enjoyable and light-hearted romcom-kinda story.

Things I Liked:
- Absolutely wonderful MC in Lynette.
- Beautiful, colorful, unique art.
- Great voice acting from a talented cast.
- Fairly short common route; doesn't take too long to set things up.

Things I Didn't Like:
- Gill's route. He's fine in other routes, but he's just NOT my cup of tea. At all.
- Translation/localization is stellar throughout 99% of the game, but there was a section of Raul's route that felt like it slipped through the editing cracks. It was suuuper distracting.

Art is gorgeous and the music is so fitting as well. Allan's theme is a personal favorite. All the characters are enjoyable to watch. I love the designs of each character and how it fits their personality. Super excited for the sequel coming out.

Fofíssimo! Um jogo com uma estética pop art meio revista feminina que eu nunca tinha visto antes e que me fez pensar como a maioria das referências estéticas pra jogos nunca vêm desse lado.

A premissa do jogo é divertida, a Cupido que veio para o nosso mundo pra fazer o trabalho dela sob os termos dos humanos e não dos Deuses, e os personagens, apesar de serem vendidos como os piores homens do planeta, na verdade acabam sendo bem fofos num geral.

Como o jogo é mais focado no amor em si e menos em questões sociais ou no mundo, achei que não acharia tão emocionante ou impactante quanto Olympia Soirée que joguei por último. Mas não adiantou, houve uma rota em cenas em particular que fizeram minha garganta travar.

É um jogo que respeita o amor (até... certo ponto porque sabemos que né, qualquer atração que não seja heterossexual é impensável) e que não tem medo de se questionar quando soa muito puritano.

Insane game. Extremely enjoyable & hilarious. I had expectations going into this game since I've waited around a year to play it and I was not disappointed with what I got out of it! An otome game that's worth your time if you're looking for something for an engaging plot with a side of absurd humor and events at times. I ❤ LOS YORK

My favorite route in order:
1. Allan - cried in every scene 5/5
2. Raul - sexyman 4.5/5
3. Shelby - the banana 4/5
4. Gill - cried in his tragic end 3.5/5
5. Ryuki - just cute 3/5

Raul changed my life forever god bless

i only actually played through gill and shelby's route but both of them were good