Reviews from

in the past

Não tem muita coisa aki além das transformações, que no caso é linda demais, possui algumas lutas também além de uns itens pra tu deixar os personagem no level mais alto possível; Eu me diverti.

Enfim essa é apenas a opinião de alguém que ama jogar vídeo jogos☝️🤓.

a dlc just to unlock the god form lmao

It's cool, even though it's very simple, I like the combat challenges.

This review contains spoilers

A very different way to approach this story that's for sure honestly I kinda of thought that this DLC would just been rehashing BOG and whilst it kind of does it does it in quite an interesting way.

By doing something the main game didn't even attempt to do introducing a grinding element to the game and making it actually worth your time and effort to get Goku and Vegeta to the new 250-level limit essentially limit breaking.

As such it causes this DLC to be far more enjoyable to playthrough as you are not really being handheld here, people that want to can do the other quests whis offers you to gain vital transformations if you haven't played the game.

but for those that have, however.... expect a huge grind in order to get to Super Saiyan God because boy is it a gruelling task something the game maybe didn't give at the start, I think they listened to peoples feedback about the game not really having any skill to level up and kind of just giving you the levels once a boss is defeated here there is none of that and that is super refreshing

you have to grind in order to get goku and vegeta to max level and I won't spoil but there are some really cool boss moments especially if you liked Broly and the side content is good a very solid DLC pack.




Plusieurs choses à dire sur ce DLC.
Déjà en le faisant, je me suis demandé si c'était pas le pire dlc que j'ai jamais fais.
Ensuite ça s'est avéré.

Le dlc NE SUIT PAS l'histoire, mais propose à la place un système de lvl up afin de faire directement le dlc si on veut skip le jeu de base. Normal, c'est certainement ce que la majorité des joueurs voulaient, NE PAS FAIRE LE JEU, BANDE DE GROS TROU DU CUL.
LE contenu en lui même est une honte, on pète juste la gueule a whis 15 fois pour avoir le ssj god, un plaisir.

De + le jeu qui est si propre niveau modèles dans le jeu de base, ne l'est plus dans le dlc ! Eh oui, dbs, c'est pas dbz, ce n'est pas la même DA, du coup les modèles sont juste dégueus ! Bien pensé !
Evidemment le dlc se finit en 1h cutscene compris, donc vraiment une honte de bout en bout.
Au moins les nouveaux combos de bases sont cool.
J'ai extrêmement peur pour les autres dlc.

meh. Almenos las animaciones, ataques y el SSJG estan wenos.

kinda boring but super saiyan god rocks