Reviews from

in the past

I think this is the best version of this game.

my first FF game and i'm glad it was its super beginner friendly, but the story is ridiculous and predictable, for the time i can see this game being super cool, but nowadays there are better FF games you can play.

also these are the most incompetent heros of all time

really lovely tho abt half way thru the gameplay starts to feel pretty repetetive.. ended up reading the story online & dont feel like i missed anything.

The main story is really good, still playing the interlude and TAY. But so far a really good game

Final Fantasy IV is a classic. It's pretty flawed (ridiculous encounter rate, needing to use a spell to pull up the map, and crazy difficulty spike in the final dungeon in an otherwise easy game) but FF4 is also the true formula for the "golden age" of Final Fantasy.

The story is a bit more basic compared to 6-10 and the gameplay isn't as strong as 5's, but it's still a really good game. The characters are all pretty enjoyable, with some decent complexity to them. For being the first real ATB game, the combat is enjoyable. Music is stellar as per usual. This is just a damn good game. Easily in my top 5 for the series :)

I'm interested in checking out the DS version to see what it does for the story and then the Pixel Remaster to see if the QOL stuff changes how I feel about the replayability.

The best version of Final Fantasy IV. The gameplay, music, and visuals are all good. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the story. Final Fantasy VI outclasses this in every way.

The After Years is an abomination. Just ignore it.

Joguei por 12 horas, simplesmente não estive tão hypado para jogar mais, tirando isso foi um pouco divertido.

Final Fantasy II walked so IV could run apparently and I am not falling for it.

Story was pretty interesting and much better than FF1 and 2. Cecil is a great character and Golbez was a decent villain. There are some really sad moments in the story which previous games were lacking (haven't played FF3 yet so only basing it off of 1 and 2). The areas are generally very interesting to explore and the endgame area is incredibly cool. The overall plot isn't anywhere as strong as titles that came after it though.

Gameplay was good but not that much deeper than before.

Incredible OST as expected of a Final Fantasy title. Theme of Love, Troian Beauty, Into the Darkness, Overworld theme to name a few.