Reviews from

in the past

Certamente o pior jogo que já joguei em toda minha vida miserável

This just might be the emptiest game I've ever played. The game starts of kinda alright but then it gets so boring and annoying when the enemy death dialogue is THE SAME LINE, the maps are really empty aswell with 0 effort put into them, the graphics look really awful, ik its an old as console but come on bro this game is terrifying. While it does have positives. The first level and the boat level being kinda not so bad and the main gameplay isn't exactly bad it's just so boring and not enjoyable at all.

ambitious ideas, but movement is stiff and the world is empty. levels can go on for a long time, and there are a bunch of really minor problems that can be frustrating. the cutscenes have a lot of charm though, and near the end the game starts to get pretty decent. not a bad licensed game... but I'm not sure if it's a great one either.

This game is ugly, boring, and not that memorable. Decent level design doesn't save it.
