Reviews from

in the past

Played this multiplayer with my wife. It was fun. Pretty hectic and without freeplay enabled pretty impossible I would think. We beat several stages and had a good time. I would like to have had more time with it so I'll definitely try it again with her some time. I guess that speaks well of it though since I want to play more.

Repetitive levels that loop forever, no actual ending, boring combat, terrible enemy spawning, and a contrived difficulty blatantly manufactured to leech as much money as possible out of the player.

Yeah it's my Game of the Year 😎

Picking up Robotron's baton, but not running far enough with it.

Influential and legendary. Simple yet addictive gameplay loop that is fun and rewarding, came out at the right time and birthed a very fun hack and slash franchise.

A study in corporate greed. Plenty of arcade games were designed to burn through quarters back in the day, but this one really takes the cake. It does still stand as one of the first multiplayer dungeon crawlers, but the combat itself is incredibly repetitive, as are the levels and unending hoards of monsters spawning ceaselessly until you take our their generators.

I know for a fact this game was definitely a quarter gobbler, because what the actual shit was level 8