Reviews from

in the past


It's interesting but perhaps too obtuse in its mechanics (especially considering it strives to overcome determinism on a narrative level). Its best aspect is how insistingly it leaves you without hints about what to do and how to do it - which is great considering the cosmic pretenses.

Cool ass visuals and theme, but the "puzzles" themselves are just nothing

It was alright! I mostly kept playing for the vibes tbh.

Precioso, es como verte una peli interactiva. Recomendado para una tarde tonta

Visually Stunning. Emotionally gripping. Bold and Beautiful. Heartbreaking and thoughtful. I think if you're the type of person to be drawn in by the art style, and enjoy point and clicks and puzzles, you'll enjoy where this game takes you.

i love noirs and i love jazz, so of course i was intrigued. this game is visually STUNNING! it embraces abstraction and stylization, the entire world is so unique. it’s more like watching a movie than playing a game,
really incredible sense of space. the soul is there, the passion for art and jazz and the cosmic is very clear.

but… it drags on. some sequences are way too long and repetitive, or too confusing because there is 0 explanation of what you’re supposed to do. it’s not easy to figure it out in a game as obscure as this (even the actual story was so confusing.) what was probably meant to be metaphorical ended up just being frustrating and lacking direction. the actual gameplay felt more like a drag, i put up with it just so i could get to the part i ACTUALLY liked, which was the cutscenes. i wish i could like it more, but it could be better when it comes to the gameplay.

Love this game, for it's visual Storytelling, the concepts it explores and the great story

great ambience and art direction, but thats all it has going for it

aside from the theming, its an aggressively average "puzzle" game that is more of a walking simulator where you sometimes click things

Очень посредственный point and click без вариативности. Вроде бы все начинается в антураже нуарного детектива, а в итоге получаешь порцию физики и математики на фоне простеньких головоломок. Проходится за три-четыре часа, но даже за столь короткое время игра успевает наскучить и ждешь окончания игры. Только пару вещей придают этой игре шарм: визуал и саундтрек. Был бы это действительно нуарный детектив, то было бы здорово, но имеем, что имеем.
Когда начал играть в портативе, то подумал, как было бы хорошо пройти ее на оледе, но целиться в подобного рода играх джойстиком крайне неудобно.

I’m putting this in the not worth my time category for how little it has to say or do about anything. I like jazz. This game uses jazz. There. I said something positive about this game.

Genesis Noir is a fun bouncy little puzzler with a jazz-infused sci-fi story. It's a goofy little jaunt through simple little puzzles that's mainly meant to make you smile more than it is to challenge you. Most of the puzzles are quite simple and obvious (and when they're not the game usually vibrates and glows at you to show you the answers). It's a little more 'experience' than 'game' but that's okay. It doesn't try to be anything other than that.

I found it quite fun, quite pretty and very nice sounding. The soundtrack is very good, it ought to be though given what the game is. It's cute and I would recommend it. Probably not at its list price but it is often on sale and can be found on GamePass. It's a serotonin maker.