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in the past


It's interesting but perhaps too obtuse in its mechanics (especially considering it strives to overcome determinism on a narrative level). Its best aspect is how insistingly it leaves you without hints about what to do and how to do it - which is great considering the cosmic pretenses.

Cool ass visuals and theme, but the "puzzles" themselves are just nothing

It was alright! I mostly kept playing for the vibes tbh.

What drew me to this game is its science creation story through a film noir style and unique aesthetics. While the overall effort and interpretation is commendable, I think it fails significantly in the story and gameplay mechanics. Story-wise, I feel the ending is unearned without clear emotional moments as well as its overall plot. Since it lacks a clear line between abstract and real, it is hard to tell which elements of the plot are to be taken literally or metaphorically. It is also hard to believe that the side characters met on the way become very important later on without developing their relationship. It is just unnecessarily hard to understand character actions and motivation making the game feel like a mess.

Despite having an abstract story, it is the gameplay that ruins the game. The game has so many unnecessary and tedious interactions would be better as cutscenes. For example, rotating the analog stick, picking up/throwing items, holding a button . It can work with the proper context, but the scale and repetition feels like busywork with the jank. The jank is death by a thousand cuts such as fidgety object rotation, unresponsive cursor snapping, unclear invisible walls, slow walk speed, unskippable cutscenes, unresponsive item inventory, soft locks. It feels everything is slower and more restrictive than it has to. If it chose its moments of interactivity well, this would have not been such a bad experience to play through.

I do challenge why the game's abstract science had to be framed in a film noir style since the genre is male and human coded. It limits the design and focus on humans instead of abstract or inventive creatures or designs beyond the cosmos. It also has a female film noir character trope that I don't like to somewhat justify the final choice. The musical choice too of just jazz is also limited where the orchestral or theremin music would make it more vibrant. I just don't think a crime is needed to tell this story.

Due to the lack of an emotional core and taxing gameplay, I have to bump this down a tier and cannot recommend it overall despite liking the concept.

Очень посредственный point and click без вариативности. Вроде бы все начинается в антураже нуарного детектива, а в итоге получаешь порцию физики и математики на фоне простеньких головоломок. Проходится за три-четыре часа, но даже за столь короткое время игра успевает наскучить и ждешь окончания игры. Только пару вещей придают этой игре шарм: визуал и саундтрек. Был бы это действительно нуарный детектив, то было бы здорово, но имеем, что имеем.
Когда начал играть в портативе, то подумал, как было бы хорошо пройти ее на оледе, но целиться в подобного рода играх джойстиком крайне неудобно.

I’m putting this in the not worth my time category for how little it has to say or do about anything. I like jazz. This game uses jazz. There. I said something positive about this game.

Genesis Noir is a fun bouncy little puzzler with a jazz-infused sci-fi story. It's a goofy little jaunt through simple little puzzles that's mainly meant to make you smile more than it is to challenge you. Most of the puzzles are quite simple and obvious (and when they're not the game usually vibrates and glows at you to show you the answers). It's a little more 'experience' than 'game' but that's okay. It doesn't try to be anything other than that.

I found it quite fun, quite pretty and very nice sounding. The soundtrack is very good, it ought to be though given what the game is. It's cute and I would recommend it. Probably not at its list price but it is often on sale and can be found on GamePass. It's a serotonin maker.

very special, was really surprised
but also
lacking strongly in the gameplay department and really needed more polish really badly

Big moon or is it the sun? I don't remember.

Nice visuals and that's it
Painfully annoying ending

Esteticamente insano, é lindo demais, mas sua gameplay é tão chata e seus puzzles são tão sem graça que eu não consegui mudar minha expressão durante o jogo inteiro (😐). Esperava bem mais.

Juego bonito para pasar el rato.

Um bom jogo, mas nada demais.

It's a strange gaming experience, frankly. I didn't expect this journey to get so complicated in the first place, and even though I love the art design, the sounds and the music, I felt a bit bad that I was struggling to understand something along the way. What was I supposed to make of it? I felt something more than that. The artwork was so strange that I realized when I got to the end of the game that it actually managed to hypnotize me. But in the end I would have liked to understand something, so I went online and got some information, and yes, the game doesn't tell as complex a story as it seems, it presents a simple story at an astronomical level, so I can't say I was bored, but I want to make it clear that my mind was tired.

Yes, it may be a very deep game, but I wanted the depth to be understood on the surface. In this era of game uniformity, I will continue to test the different experiences that games like this provide. For me, it will remain the strangest game I've played this year.

i love noirs and i love jazz, so of course i was intrigued. this game is visually STUNNING! it embraces abstraction and stylization, the entire world is so unique. it’s more like watching a movie than playing a game,
really incredible sense of space. the soul is there, the passion for art and jazz and the cosmic is very clear.

but… it drags on. some sequences are way too long and repetitive, or too confusing because there is 0 explanation of what you’re supposed to do. it’s not easy to figure it out in a game as obscure as this (even the actual story was so confusing.) what was probably meant to be metaphorical ended up just being frustrating and lacking direction. the actual gameplay felt more like a drag, i put up with it just so i could get to the part i ACTUALLY liked, which was the cutscenes. i wish i could like it more, but it could be better when it comes to the gameplay.

Love this game, for it's visual Storytelling, the concepts it explores and the great story

great ambience and art direction, but thats all it has going for it

aside from the theming, its an aggressively average "puzzle" game that is more of a walking simulator where you sometimes click things

Really great game. I'm a big lover of Jazz, so the music was perfect!

However, the story is a bit confusing for me to understand and I had to look up reviews to get a better explanation. Overall a great game to try out! It's extremely beautiful. I would rate this at least a 8/10.

Precioso, es como verte una peli interactiva. Recomendado para una tarde tonta

Visually Stunning. Emotionally gripping. Bold and Beautiful. Heartbreaking and thoughtful. I think if you're the type of person to be drawn in by the art style, and enjoy point and clicks and puzzles, you'll enjoy where this game takes you.

Estava a jogar com pouquíssima paciência, é verdade, mas odiei.

Esse jogo é uma obra de arte.



Dito isto, baseado nas reviews desse jogo, e especialmente depois de ler a ótima review do colega @jacksh0w , sinto que seria de bom grado (afinal, por quê não?) dar uma leve destrinchada no que é Genesis Noir.

Não vou dizer do que se trata, sobre o que é o jogo ou o plot principal. O que vou dizer é o que você deve esperar e qual o tipo de mentalidade que você deve sintonizar para ter uma boa experiência.

Se estamos sintonizados no AM, receberemos AM. Se estivermos sintonizados FM, receberemos FM.

O que quero dizer com isso? Bem, um leiteiro e um bombeiro andam na mesma rua e veem ruas diferentes.

O leiteiro vai olhar os melhores lugares pra parar seu pequeno caminhão de leite, o tamanho da calçada, se tem onde por sua caixa de leite e afins.

O bombeiro vai perceber o posicionamento dos hidrantes, qual a distância da janela das casas e as calçadas. O nível da estrutura das construções e afins.

Se você for assistir Transformers esperando a experiência que você teria assistindo 1917, você vai provavelmente se decepcionar.

Por quê essa comparação? Bem, muitas reviews de Genesis Noir criticam (claro, em seu direito) seu ritmo mais devagar e a romantização de certos aspectos.
Acontece que esse jogo aborda certos tópicos e questões de maneiras um pouco não ortodoxas.
Nos primeiros 15 minutos de jogo você provavelmente vai perceber que ele é uma experiência "diferente".

Ele arrisca. Ele sai (e muito) da caixinha convencional.

E eu não digo isso como "Vocês não entenderam!!! Seus bobos!!" Não, eu mesmo, comecei o jogo absurdamente empolgado, e essa empolgação se manteve o jogo inteiro. Mais pro fim, mais especificamente nas últimas 4 "fases" do jogo eu às começava com uma certa vontade de terminar o jogo, mas no meio da fase eu mudava de opinião e começava a me deleitar.

Depois das 2 últimas fases meus olhos se abriram definitivamente.

Experimente esse jogo como um filme interativo. Não um "jogo de videogame", pode ser que assim sua experiência seja um pouco mais lucrativa.

Eu joguei Genesis Noir após terminar uns 3 jogos bem frenéticos, então ele se encaixou perfeitamente no meu flow de jogatina.

Os puzzles não são difíceis, a movimentação é devagar, as cutscenes são contemplativas e não há diálogos.

Não é uma experiência convencional, mas definitivamente foi uma das melhores que eu já tive nessa indústria.

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Peguei raiva desse jogo porque alguns momentos ficavam bugados e eu tinha que reiniciar saporra
Sobretudo, legal, mas eu precisaria rejogar pra ter uma compreensão melhor dele.
Entidade não binário sendo meu marido, entretanto, foi incrível

There are two sides to this story. The noir side of it is relatively shallow and used more as an aesthetic/framing device than anything. The other covers the history of the universe and humanity, and muses about their future. The marriage of the two works quite well, and makes for a completely unique and stunning experience. (N.B.: I think this game would be best completed in a couple of sittings. I divided it much more when I played it, and I feel I got an imperfect experience of the game because of it).

Chapter: Improvisations was very cool.