Reviews from

in the past

A proposta do jogo é incrível, misturar uma gameplay de hotline miami com o gênero de extração e ainda elementos de terror é fantástico, no entanto a execução deixa a desejar um pouco a desejar, principalmente para brasileiros, onde não tem servidor dedicado.

O jogo tem uma arte fascinante, uma história que cobre estimula sua gameplay e ainda intriga, o design dos personagens são incríveis, mas a crítica acima me desanimou bastante.

One of those games that has a cool idea and potential but just doesn't hit the mark.

Give a raise to the person that implemented the PvP survival horror idea

Fun little top-down extraction shooter. Interesting world, albeit one that could do with a great deal of fleshing out. Practically dead servers but it never prevented me from finding a game, just meant I was usually alone in said game (minus one shocking encounter).

I'm extremely biased in favor of games with an economy, so that's a plus, too. It was a good time to play with friends.

Love the idea, but very bare bones. Singleplayer makes it much easier to get into, but sadly feels like a beta version of the game