Reviews from

in the past

This is kinda soulless on singleplayer, the magic is coop only, apparently

goofy fun time and if you can play it with a group of friends, it is pretty much impossible not to have a blast.

Fun with friends but only for a short amount of time as the levels get progressively worse as you go on. I think if I played this game with more than just one other person I might have had more fun but as a 2-man co-op team it got stale at the Aztec level.

Fun with friends but it's either a bad design or I am the stupidest person alive.

what a funny little game. I like all the mechanics and puzzle solving!! would be so fun to play with friends but I had fun on my own as well

A very fun game to play with friends and very cheap especially!

God knows why this even has a solo option. It's interminably boring. I imagine there's fun to be had with friends, but am I fuck asking folk to jump into this so we can do "Gang Beasts but a round lasts 20 minutes".

I did lots of walking around and fiddling with physics, and sometimes a wee bit of music would play. That's it. There's so little here and I'm baffled as to how it became to popular.

Playing with six people is honestly chaotic. I love it.
Level designs are simple but we always find ways to make it fun!

I played this ages ago, as a multiplayer experience this is THE party game. When this came in me and my brother really locked in for these puzzles, and when we weren't focusing (90% the time) we were grabbing each other and trying to throw each other off the map.

divertido até onde foi e parou, toda vez que pego pra jogar isso com a lala saio com o rosto doendo de tanto rir, fases boas e liberdade imensa, amo esse joguinho

hop on this with some friends and just enjoy

This game has a different vibe, it's relaxing in some kind of way

I don't know what they were thinking with some of those extra dream levels

So much fun with a couple friends.

Every time I play this game it’s at like 1 AM and I end up crying while laughing with my friends.

Não recomendo muito o jogo se você não tiver amigos para jogar junto


Yet another entry in the "dumbass joke game with a goofy ass physics engine that was designed to be reacted to by YouTubers".

The only difference for this one is that it doesn't suck complete balls, because co-op games are fun automatically; game design becomes secondary to the overall experience when you got people to bounce off and unlike Left 4 Dead and Payday, this game realises that and doubles down on it.

Que jogo engraçado, os bonequinho sao tudo meio panguao ficam bambeando pra la e p ca. Jogar com amigos esse jogo é a formula do sucesso

Gostei demais,me lembra um roblox so que com amoeba

Dumb game. Feel stupid together with your friends.

the platinum for this game was so much fun. one of my favorite party/puzzle multiplayer games

My hot take is that it would be better without the gimmick.

The level design is strong enough And going through them as a drunkard ragdoll only takes from the experience.

Anyways Human Fall Flat is fun with friends until the headache kicks in and I'll probably still pick this up every now and then.

Really fun with friends.

It's fun to make it through the different physics puzzles. The music always knows when to cut in to make the player feel triumphant. I can imagine this game is a ton of fun in multiplayer.

The game is super reliant on how the player's hands interact with the environment. After a brief learning curve, grabbing objects and climbing ledges is fairly intuitive. That said, the number of times the physics behaves in less then stellar ways in numerous. Sometimes you grab a ledge in an unintended manner, or your hand gets stuck behind your head, forcing the player to spend time adjusting. The biggest pain is how jumping isn't consistent. It gets to be tiring when you try to jump over a ledge but your input didn't register, resulting in the character walking into a pit.

One of my favorite video game memories is being on the main menu island with 7 other friends and getting a chain hanging down below with all of us dangling off of each other

If you are ever just chilling in a discord call with some friends and none of y'all know what to do, just give this game a try, trust me.

A great game with buds, loved every minute of it. Laughs always welcome.