Reviews from

in the past

Sights & Sounds
- If you've ever wondered what the 16-bit bastard offspring of Robocop and Escape from New York would look like, it's probably Huntdown. Every screen of this game is home to some snazzy pixel art full of neon signs, urban decay, and lots of explosions
- The music follows the theming perfectly. Be prepared to hear what could easily be an 80s action movie soundtrack. Driving synth beats and percussion will ebb and flow in tempo until you reach the final credits. I was not expecting to hear a licensed song as the credits started to roll, especially not my favorite Twisted Sister track. Out on the Streets is awesome and you should probably go listen to it right now
- There's also voice acting, and it's very well performed. Sure, some of the bosses have that phoned-in "tough guy" voice, but at least the protagonists are voiced well. It was fun to mow down enemies with a minigun while my trenchcoated robot quipped action movie one-liners
- The presentation isn't perfect, however. Some of the animation is pretty awful. I thought it was a framerate issue, but even capping the framerate didn't resolve anything. There just aren't enough animation sprites in the game to make characters in motion look good. It was distracting enough that it did affect my enjoyment: it looked like I was playing a flipbook at times

Story & Vibes
- I'll explain the setup, but don't go skipping the intro movie (a mock movie trailer complete with the expected overly serious voiceover). In any case, this is a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk game. As is often the case in such dystopian settings, the world governments have collapsed, and the power vacuum has been filled by private corporations like a libertarian wet dream. Meanwhile, street gangs have taken over the cities and war openly in the streets
- That's where you (or, rather, one of 3 playable characters) come in. Instead of seeking corporate citizenship or gang membership, you're a bounty hunter who's been hired to clean up the streets--and make a pretty penny while doing it
- Keep an eye and ear out to 80s movies references. They're everywhere
- There's a lot of words you could use to describe the vibe of this game, but the most appropriate is "rad"

Playability & Replayability
- Looking back at my SNES days as a kid, I don't recall playing many 16 bit platform shooters outside of Mega Man, but Huntdown doesn't feel much like those games. Contra III and Judge Dredd are more similar. Metal Slug a little less so
- That is to say, you're going to be jumping through, between, and on top of a lot of crumbling buildings while swapping weapons to dodge and precipitate opposing hails of gunfire
- The platforming feels pretty tight, but there's nothing too difficult in that respect. Just keep an eye out for secret areas and destructible parts of the environment if you want to find powerful weapons and collectibles
- All the difficulty in Huntdown comes from the combat, and it is notably difficult in the same vein as the Contra games it draws influence from. Fortunately, your movement options include the ability to slide (handy for dodging bullets coming from offscreen as you charge ahead) and duck into cover (either in doorways or behind boxes). You'll need to keep tabs on your available cover options if you want to avoid damage
- Weapon variety was way better than I expected. Each of the three selectable characters had a unique sidearm and projectile to start, but you'll have way more fun with the melange of melee weapons, assault rifles, machine guns, shotguns, rocket launchers, lasers, remote mines, etc. that litter each stage. If you find yourself still wanting variety here, you're too hard to please
- Each of the five levels in each of the city's four gang-controlled areas is capped off by a boss fight. These felt varied enough mechanically and visually that no two felt overly similar in spite of there being 20 of them in total
- I can see myself playing this again down the road, partially because I didn't even touch arcade mode and partially because I'm disappointed in myself for having to lower the difficulty to Easy in the third area (The Overseer stage). Huntdown doesn't mess around

Overall Impressions & Performance
- With robust challenges, eye-catching pixel art, and genuinely fun run-and-gun gameplay, this is an easy game to recommend to anyone who has a soft spot for titles like Contra or Metal Slug. I just wish the animation hadn't been so distractingly choppy. Seriously, compare a clip of Huntdown to Metal Slug 3; the difference is substantial
- It ran without bugs or other technical issues just fine on the Steam Deck

Final Verdict
- 8/10. Buying a game simply because it looks cool turns out to be a great idea sometimes, apparently. Maybe wait for a sale if you're not going to delve into the arcade mode as the story is only 5-7 hours long depending on difficulty

An underrated, 80s action inspired, side scroller, shoot 'em up.

-The visuals are beautiful. The heroes, the bosses, the enemies, all are beautifully designed; and have smooth animations. The backgrounds and the environments are very vibrant, and there is always something happening in the background (if you pay attention to it). Visually, my only problem is the in-game UI. The heroes icon and his life bar, etc, are so far at the corner of the monitor. It would be much better if it was a bit closer to the center.

-The story is a simple, corny, 80s action movie. You are a bounty hunter in a dystopian future and you have to help the cops and the government (obviously corrupt) to get rid of some gangs. And of course it has an unnecessarily negative ending. Nothing special to it; but I personally like these 80s action parodies, hopefully you're into it as well.

-The game is a side scrolling shoot 'em up, so the gameplay is the most important thing in it. You have your heroes main weapon and their melee weapon. But as you are playing you can pick up other stuff as your secondary gun or melee weapon. The gameplay is very good for the first half of the game, but it just gets progressively boring as you progress in the game.

-The level structure is very simple. You are to face 4 different gang, each stronger and armed with better weapons as the previous one. Each gang has a leader, and that leader has 4 right hands (this is the best way I can explain it, believe me). You will have to kill those 4, one by one and eventually finish the leader of that gang. For each of these bosses; there are some stages to clear first and then you reach the boss of that level. As I said the gangs and the bosses will get stronger and stronger; so don't be fooled by the first ones.

If you are into this genre, you should really give this game a shot. It might not be the best you will ever see; but it can give you a couple of hours of pure fun.

Side scrolling shooter with a cyberpunk theme and visuals on par with the Metal Slug series. A corporation hires a bounty hunter (or two if you play co-op) to go after four gangs that have been increasing their territory lately. Each gang has five stages where you fight one of the gang's captains at the end of the level. Each character has a different main weapon and throwing weapon and can pick up a variety of secondary main or throwing weapons and dash which gives you a brief dodge window, take cover behind crates/cars or background objects, and kick nearby enemies. It controls well, fun gameplay, some great animation and backgrounds. Some good moments where bosses interact with you before their fight either in amusing ways or by attacking you with helicopters or robots through windows and walls that have you seeking cover in the stage while fighting through regular enemies. Each gang introduces some different enemies and weapons so there is always something new as you are playing through the stages.

Never really that funny with its mostly reference filled humor and with no real unlockables or extra characters or weapons to start with, doesn't give you as much replayability as some similar games that have released recently and this gives you no reason to try to complete the stage challenges which are always to kill a certain number of enemies, not die, and to find three hidden briefcases (which don't seem to do anything). Each character will have different dialogue before you start each gangs missions, and their own dialogue in stages and quips.


It was really fun and difficult, but I finished it. Overall a fantastic side scroller

Boomer First Person Shooters, 2.5 retro jrpgs, ps1 retro survival horror. Developers and consumers are all chasing that mythical high we think gaming reached 25-30 years ago. Before loot boxes, dumb politics and scripted gameplay. Huntdown offers a slice of that retro heaven with a modern approach. No gimmicks, no bs, just a true hardcore run n shoot package. It hits the mark and then some more...

Why dont we just sterilize the population?

Really good Run N' Gun with awesome pixel art. If you've ever played the Rolling Thunder series its very similar to that except a bit more faster and frenetic.

Прекрасная игра в стиле ран-энд-ган. Очень визуально и по геймплею (почти) напоминает Contra: Hard Corps. Почему почти, потому, что здесь темп игры чуть ниже, и противники не умирают с одного выстрела. Здесь есть даже система укрытий, за стенками или за бочками. Немного здесь и от игр в жанре бит-эм-ап, ближний бой, хп у противников. Стильно выглядит, играется очень приятно. Звучит игра очень круто. Местами битвы с боссами очень непростые. Если вы выросли во времена Sega и крутых боевиков тех времен - эта игра определенно Вам понравится. Плюс как положено в игре есть кооп на двоих.

Is this what the 80s were actually like?

Un buen ejemplo de retromoderno. Tienes todo lo que te ofrecían los juegos de antes con muchas cosas que son propias del diseño de videojuegos más actual.

La crème de la crème du run and gun !

Le style graphique est super, chaque niveau apporte son ambiance avec de jolis visuels. Le jeux est plutôt cours mais nous bombarde d'action constamment, il y a un boss à chaque niveaux est ils sont tous bien différents. La variété d'arme et d'ennemis est très bonne. Le fun est immédiat et la rejouabilité excellente avec les médailles pour chaque niveaux, trois persos jouables et un mode arcade. Huntdown n'invente rien mais reproduit parfaitement ce que dois être un bon run and gun à l'ancienne.

Este game foi uma grata surpresa, nunca tinha ouvido falar, a melhor explicação para ele é um Contra com temática cyberpunk.

A história é simples, bem clichê, porém tem vozes excelentes, ótimos diálogos muito divertidos.

A gameplay diverte bem, possui uma ótima variação de inimigos, boa construção de fases, possui um vasto arsenal que é o que define o estilo de jogo que você jogará, bem desafiador com uma dificuldade gradativa muito bem feita.

A ambientação é muito bonita, pixel art incrível.

Cool game, make more retro style like this👍

A fun side scrolling action shooter, very arcady but not quite metal slug. Difficulty spike three quarters through in a bit of an unfair fashion but adjustments were made and I'm sure with time smashing my head against the wall, I would turn out a master of the games language. Ultimately I believe the game would allow you to complete it on one life in one go with a steady hand and still heart. The 80s mashup vibes made for an awesome atmosphere that doesn't feel like it belongs in one specific category of camp for the time. Would recommend for fans of the genre! I was not so gripped as to attempt the additional harder difficulties as I am not so much a glutton for punishment within this genre.

Seu modo hard deveria ser obrigatório, uma delícia, pórem enjoativo.

Huntdown is an engaging and challenging cover-based shoot-em-up. I really enjoyed my time with it and all the details of the world that were put into the backgrounds, the characters, and the weapons you use. Great world and character storytelling!

The title "Huntdown" is pretty boring and led me to believe that this was probably a low-budget, minimum effort game that would probably be an okay experience but worthwhile because of its co-op feature. I was very wrong! In reality it is a very fun and extremely challenging arcade style side scrolling shooter. The pixel art is highly detailed, the writing and art style are evocative of 80s tongue in cheek action flicks, and the design of the game mechanics are solid with responsive controls. With a wide variety of limited-ammo weapons to pick up in addition to your standard infinite ammo gun and cooldown-limited subweapon, there are lots a ways to approach the levels. Each of the three characters even has a different main weapon and subweapon to give the player a bit of a freedom to choose their playstyle.

Even on Normal mode, the game ramps up the difficulty very quickly and by the end of the game it's going to take a lot of trial and error. Luckily the game is fairly generous with checkpoints and each level isn't that long either, so there is no frustration around having to play big chunks of levels over and over again. Some of the boss fights were really interesting, and overall my wife and I really enjoyed the game. A short experience, but highly recommended.

When it's fun? It's insanely fun man. Just mowing down row after row after row of enemies. And the art direction is some of the most impressive I've seen in a game. But my god it has this problem where the game gets so hard it moved past "challenging" and just went into bullshit territory. Not helped by the fact that a lot of the game's bosses have 2 (or even 3) stages and if you die you have to restart the whole thing.

Again the game is legit fun when it wants to be but at the same time I really would only recommend it to someone if they got in on sale (like me) or played it on easy difficulty.

This game is incredible!
Gameplay is perfection in run'n'gun form. Each character plays differently from one another, the weapons are very different from one another, the stages and enemy varieties are amazing, the bosses are superb!
The voice acting is PERFECTION! So cheesy and fun, immersing you in the Hunt down!

Absolute masterpiece! Highly recommended to everyone that enjoys platforming and run'n'gun!

Oh, arcade mode is incredible as well!

A nice action platformer shoot-em-up with amazing pixel art and so much action it will keep you on the edge of your seat at all times.I couldn't stop hunting down gangs feeling like an actual bounty hunter.This game is non-stop adrenaline with big guns and mean boss fights.

Underrated and underseen gem of futuristic violence.

That's a great game. A true love letter to Contra and Metal Slug, but with its own character instead of feeling like a copycat. Graphics, soundtrack, controls are all superb. The only thing I didn't like is how bullet sponge-y the bosses are. Most of them have two phases and you can spent minutes fighting them only to start all over everytime you lose. Especially the last boss is some major bs and I didn't even care to beat it. I don't have patience for frustration in my life anymore.
Otherwise it's a great game.

Excellent coop game!
Gorgeous pixel art, fun levels and bosses, and it's very challenging.
100% recommended to play with a friend for when you want some no-bullshit-no-grinding pure action.

It's fine. If you love retro style sidescrolling shmups like Metal Slug, you'll love this more than me. Was ok for me.

Second playthrough, and it's still amazing!

A very solid and fair retro run-and-gun game. It has bite sized levels and good selection of bosses given its small pool of mechanics. The inclusion of a dash/dodge mechanic elevated the mechanical feel of this game.

A solid recommendation that is definitely value for money.

Blackthorne followup. The pixel art is gorgeous, but im not very onboard with the themes going on this one. Very retrograde.

Criminally underrated! This is an indie gem in every sense of the word. I am still shocked that more people aren't talking about this!?!? I enjoyed every second of this when I played it on my Switch and rebought it on Steam to play on my Steam Deck!