Reviews from

in the past

Usually I hate games where your a kid protagonist, but like, this one rocks.

um jogo tão lindo e emocionante, personagens tão piticos e ost maravilhosa, fiz poucos finais pq cansava fazer novas runs a todo momento, mas a cada fim de uma run eu faltava chorar. além que aqui a lacração venceu com força amem

This is really great. I love the setting, I love the writing. The card game is neat enough to be interesting despite having not-much player control over what happens. As a kid I read Animorphs all the time, and this is the video game that I never knew I wanted to see. It's a little slow to pick up, a little strange to get used to, but by the end of the first year I was loving it.

This was a roller coaster, where I'd experience highs of genuine awe realising just how far I could affect my own character's, and the world's, fate, then lows of utter disappointment at how meaningless so many interactions with the core cast of the game actually are, and how little they truly matter. The art, by Bkomei, is spectacular, and the overall execution of this extremely promising idea is positive, but a core aspect of the game feels unfinished. Still, a game that so effectively blends visual novel elements with a life simulation game and deck building aspects is one of a kind.

It took me a couple of playthroughs to really get what this game was going for (which is not a bad thing, the nature of the game is that it wants you to play multiple times). This is a game where you really have to choose which mechanics you want to engage with, so things that seem superfluous or irrelevant on one playthrough may be crucial in another. I found that both times I played, I achieved all the goals I really cared about by age 16 or 17, after which the game really dries up in terms of things you can do which are relevant to your character. There were a few bugs here in there, like extra events playing when they really shouldn't have, but overall my time with this game has been great and I look forward to playing more. I haven't chosen a favorite character yet, maybe Dys or Cal or even Nomi-Nomi - they're all super well written but some of them (cough Vace) you can just tell were made to be hated lol.

Such a cute game. The artwork is beautiful and the gameplay mechanics are simple, but not so easy to be uninteresting. All the characters are interesting and some of their stories are really heartbreaking. I wish there was a bit more carry over for new game+. And it's really gay

A good videogwme, very replayable and with good characters and multiple endings

Amazing Visual Novel adventure

This was a very detailed and engaging game where I feel like the choices you make truly had impacts on the game play. The characters were very diverse and unique. One playthrough is not enough. I did 5, which I felt allowed me to experience most of the various plotlines in the game. Each playthrough is a bit too long to attempt to get all endings.

poker and VN :)
Honestly not that bad, was bored at first but it def picks up later on and now I want to see all the outcomes

Pretty great game, with a good story and fulfilling relationships

Not my thing... but I liked the mechanics and the overall concept. It was just poorly executed, very millennial-esque writing (if you know, you know)

This game is worth giving a shot if you enjoy the genre. I liked a lot of it, but didn't love it enough to continue through multiple playthroughs. I also strongly preferred the first half of each playthrough to the second half, found it hard to get over my dislike of a couple of the characters.

literal must play especially if u like visual novels and card games and life sims and--

this game makes me feel many things . sym my beloved ….

It made me cry a few times, the choices you make are impactful! Its SO replayable. I like how you can choose your pronouns and if you want your character to look more feminine, androgynous, or masculine, etc. I loved the characters so much too.

there needs to be more games like this, i dont even know what im specifically talking about but its perfect. its the perfect dating sim, perfect card battler, perfect progression, perfect choices matter, perfect story, perfect in every way

So so fun! It was so queer that I weirdly took much comfort in it. The characters were all interesting and I cared a lot about all of them. I will definitely come back to it to do more endings sooner or later!!

Haven't finished it yet but goodness gracious what a game. Has the real potential to be an all-timer, and I've encountered no downsides yet except "slight anxiety over how much my decisions have impact" and "want to give the game my 100% focus", which means I put off continuing my run.

This review contains spoilers

As much as I want to tell you about the game itself, it's characters and what it entails, I feel as if I really can't without spoiling some major things, which in my personal opinion makes the game special and one of a kind. To me, it's the kind of game you'll just have to go in blind and experience it yourself, as I believe it's the best way possible to enjoy this game.

So I'll just give you a spoiler and the reason why I consider this one of my favorite games of all time.

The song "The Child You Were" by Frances Aravel made me cry. It made me cry. As someone who went through some massive childhood trauma, this song felt like the warm hug that I never knew that I needed. It told me that even thought you been through an awful lot, you're still here and that great, it's okay. And that meant something to me.

This game really means so much to me as a whole and I'm glad that I took the chance to play it.

I have so much great things to point out that I'll probably forget half of them!

My first long review (because this game deserves it):

This game has everything I love from games: marvellous world-building, perfect screenwriting, the characters feeling ALIVE when you're getting to know them and having events with them, lovely aesthetics, heartwarming little details, how it's political without turning tedious, the super interesting choices-matter mechanic accompanied by the timeloops, how LGBTQ+ friendly it is and the management mechanics

Once I started playing, I couldn't stop thinking about the game while I was doing other stuff; wondering what skills I'd like to polish. Plus, right now that I finished my first game, I can't wait to try out the timeloop mechanics!!

I remember that, at first, I was only planning in becoming an explorer, a kind one, however, when circumstances started to show up, I grew attached to the characters and the nature, to the point that when "circumstances" happened, I decided to fight to be a governor and protect peace forever

And that's just how great the game is! There's so many endings, so many options to select from!!!

It has every quality I like from Stardew Valley, Detroit: Become Human, Spellcaster University, Sims, Monster Prom, Death and Taxes, Animal Crossing and more

I wish the developer made a sequel or something like that!!!! Perhaps just another game with similar mechanics and loooovely characters

Anyways, some other thing I'd like the game to accomplish in the future is that we get it in different languages <3

beautiful and heart-wrenching. from compelling story to lovable characters to well-implemented mechanics, this game really is a little gem that i hope many more people get to experience. one of my favorite games in a long time. the love and care put into it by the devs is loud and clear.

Pocos juegos mejor escritos, más emocionantes, trágicos y bonitos a la vez he jugado. Todas las decisiones que tomas en este juego tienen un impacto, en mayor o menor medida, en el resto de acontecimientos. Desde elegir cómo pasar el tiempo en tu infancia a simplemente estar presente en los momentos que otros personajes necesitan que lo estés.

Un ejemplo extraordinario de representación y diversidad. Cada personaje es un mundo y es una delicia ir descubriendo sus peculiaridades y cómo el juego las trata como algo normal y digno de respeto. Además, cada uno de ellos es, a su manera, encantador y he acabado cogiéndoles cariño a todos. Menos a Vace, a nadie le gusta Vace.

He jugado dos "vidas" enteras porque el juego está específicamente diseñado para ello y merece absolutamente la pena hacerlo para tomar decisiones distintas, arreglar los errores del primer intento y cultivar otras relaciones.

Me ha gustado muchísimo y lo recomiendo encarecidamente.


I've played very few games that are better written, more emotional, tragic and beautiful at the same time. Every choice you make in this game has an impact, whether it's big or small, on the rest of events. From picking how to spend your childhood to simply being there when other characters need you to be.

An extraordinary example of representation and diversity. Every character is a whole world themselves and it's delightful to figure out their quirks and how the game handles them as something normal and worthy of respect. Plus, all of them are, in their own way, very charming and I've ended up loving all of them. Except for Vace, nobody likes Vace.

I've played through two whole "lives" because the game is specifically designed for that and it's absolutely worth doing so to make different choices, fix the mistakes of the first attempt and try to grow different relationships.

I really loved it and I wholeheartedly recommend it.

This review contains spoilers

This game had me hooked right from the start with its immersive life simulation and captivating characters. Like full ADHD hyperfixation didn't move from my bed for 10 hours bones sore from lack of movement full iPad kidding it at my switch.

The art and world-building are stunning, offering deep lore and plenty of discovery. It's definitely designed for replayability, with subsequent playthroughs offering new paths and challenges in a super, super cool way to me... However, there are a few gripes.

The endings feel too generic compared to the engaging gameplay. Some plot twists in the epilogue seem to come out of nowhere, like suddenly falling in love with a character with little foreshadowing. The pacing also feels slightly off, with important plot points sometimes happening abruptly. While the game captures the feeling of helplessness well, it can leave character plotlines feeling underdeveloped.

Despite these issues, the world lore is incredibly rich and immersive, making the fictional planet feel like it's been around for longer than the game. However, the character writing doesn't always match up to the world-building. Despite its flaws, I was drawn in by the intense world-building and emotional impact of the game. The card game was enjoyable, but I was left disappointed by some incomplete storylines and lackluster romances. Regardless, I'm def gonna play again because its beautiful. And the music!!!!

TLDR; Bought it for the puppy boy, stayed for the childhood ptsd simulator

This game wants you to play it multiple times and you'll want to play it multiple times but there's so much variation and story stuff you will probably never see.
The card gameplay does get a bit tiring after a point unfortunately.

loved the story and the card battle gameplay!!

rex is my love.

Ridiculously engaging VN! While it can be considered a dating sim, I think it does plot and friendships better. (More later.) Plot is amazing, characters are (mostly) likable and have growth! Epilogues are very detailed, the best in any game I've seen! Love the main gameplay draw, that you remember your past lives and can influence events in your next playthrough! Many different activities with unique scenes that help subsequent playthroughs feel fresh! You can have pets (and interact with them-not just eye candy!) Graphics are pretty, and I like that the seasons are part of the plot too, also not just eye candy! Card battles help add some variety.

My main complaint is that some of the things you need to do (either for friendships or dating) can feel uncomfortable. There are a few characters that you need to break up to be able to date. There are a few characters that will break up with you in the epilogue no matter what. Hence why I'm hesitant to like this game as a dating sim. There's a character that starts off pretty toxic, and while there is growth if the friendship is high enough, to get that friendship up you have to pick options with violence towards creatures. In this same vein: there's a character that will always die, and for a game that's main draw is replaying to save characters, this feels bad.

A smaller complaint, but it can feel repetitive/grindy on subsequent playthroughs. It does a good job of having enough content/adding content, but a lot of big character/plot scenes will repeat.

I still recommend this VN and had a great time! I spent 64 hours on two playthroughs.

(copied from my gg review)

this game is so good it's insanity actually. the premise & gameplay are so simple, and yet it hooks you hard! i've never been THIS invested in a game's worldbuilding - you literally got no choice but to try to do multiple playthroughs to see how each event might turn up with every different decision.

p.s. tangent and rex, you both are beloved to me

This review contains spoilers

I finished my first playthrough after about 7 hours and 54 minutes, I may have powered through some writing. I enjoy that the game actually feels like it has a lot of different options and choices you can make that affect how the game goes. The card gameplay is pretty simple, but enjoyable. I wish there was a way to ditch useless cards (really don't need a 0 Crawling card near the end of the game) outside of resting, but I suppose that does give the game some difficulty. I know it was at least making things more difficult on me because I wasn't getting rid of small point cards until way later.

The music is nice and atmospheric and the artwork and graphics are nice. The world does absolutely come across as being very foreign with some absolute abominations straight from H.P. Lovecraft. My biggest ask for an improvement on the art/graphics would be for characters to have more than the singular static pose when you talk to them. Or maybe I just talked to Tangent too much and I didn't notice them changing?

Speaking of, character-wise I enjoyed quite a few of them. Somehow I ended up trying to make Tangent my best friend and eventual romance right at the start because she looked the coolest and had dope as hell hair. Then she shaved it and somehow became even colder than before, and I died inside. Thankfully before the end of the game she grew out a dope pixie cut and started interacting, acting like a human more. I also straight off the bat enjoyed Anemone, Cal, Rex, and Nomi-Nomi. I do wish there were more interactions with some of the adult colonists, being able to build friendships with them too. Granted I suppose your decisions are what create your relationships. I just would have enjoyed hanging with Utopia more tbh.

Anyways, it was a solid game. I'm interested to see how things can pan out different in a second playthrough. Considering I put almost nothing into the yellow skills, I think I may go that route this next time.