Reviews from

in the past

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An enjoyable common route deceives you into liking every LI until you enter the guy's route and it becomes a trash fire with last minute character revelations that changes up the dynamics of the relationship, not to mention some really asinine drama.

Special mention to the amazing art, its clean and with pleasant colors.

I enjoyed Yukito and Harumi's routes. The others can go burn in a trashfire. Asagi in particular was offendingly either boring or wtf am I reading. The main mystery is solved by way of 7 minute of an info dump on one route and promptly conveniently forgotten in the others (as it gets in the way of the romance) until maybe a 1 line acknowledgment later.

Great common route, Yukito and Harumi are best boys, even though Harumi's route also suffers the 'dumb drama' syndrome.

My happiest surprise of 2023 so far! I was in the mood for a lighthearted romantic comedy and this game delivered. Even though I’ve only played a route and a half, it’s easily become one of my favorite otomes with charming upbeat characters and story. Even though it’s not the most original game in the world, it presents the story in some very fun ways. Pretend Time!

I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this one! I really needed something lighthearted when I got this one and it delivered! It also had me laughing hysterically the whole time. I normally don’t like “pretend” romances but it didn’t bother me here, for whatever reason! Sometimes the plot points are a bit silly but I knew that going into this one so I wasn’t too annoyed. I’m not sure I can pick a favorite LI cause they really are all so different! I know for sure that Sena is my least favorite but he still really charmed me toward the end of his route! I have a little bit of a bias toward Kazuma cause I’m also a beautician, plus I am a MAJOR sucker for the childhood friends to lovers trope. The music is also a BOP, the extra features after completing each route were really cute and fun, and the artwork is really lovely! I really liked the protagonist too; I felt like the writers did a good job of balancing her shyness while not being a pushover.

This was refreshing to see from an otome because a lot of otomes I have read and played have had a supernatural/magic element in them (I know there is a lot of otomes that do not but it is just what I have played) so to see one that does not have that was refreshing. All the routes were enjoyable but it felt like something was missing in the routes. Most routes were short enough though that they did not feel like padded out so that was a plus.