Reviews from

in the past

Phenomenal storytelling in all 3 games featured in this package (together through which I’ve come to appreciate as a classic in the gaming landscape); without question the main reason to experience these games.

The gameplay is simple, but fun as the linearity allows for astonishing period-accurate detail from the 1930’s-1960’s US and the cities feel alive and lived in with most businesses, gas stations, and diners being accessible to the player allowing for a much richer & realistic open world experience than similar games from the time. The driving is difficult but fair and aims for far more of a simulation than the loose and over-the-top physics of GTA (IV not withstanding). The shooting gets better every game, but in the first two entries it’s very loose compared to the stability of 3’s aiming.

The biggest problem is that the first two games don’t do the greatest job incentivizing players to find the many collectibles hidden in the open world and many side activities feel tacked on (while still being decent challenges on their own). The third game has one of the greatest stories some of the best acting I’ve ever experienced in this medium, but the dated Ubisoft style Open World doesn’t facilitate the best pacing for said story compared to the first two. I have softened up a bit on Mafia 3 because the main story & DLC stories are incredible and the attention to detail is impeccable; it’s a quality product that just so happens to have a frustratingly repetitive gameplay loop.

Definitely worth to play through once if you like more story based games, but there is still fun to be had in the open worlds.

Man... These games have fantastic stories and characters, and while the gameplay is nothing special, both Mafia: Definitive Edition and Mafia 2 are really fun to play.

...Then you get to Mafia 3.