Reviews from

in the past

And so, Mass Effect's biggest punching bag race was born

I forgot how good this DLC was,
It introduced us to the Batarians and was the first Mass Effect DLC and what a good start this was

slightly overrating because I'm turning my mind back 2.5 years and probably remembering the only interesting parts but I think it's pretty good that Mass Effect 1 was able to pull off an engaging DLC like this. compelling scenario with a good payoff in ME3.

Man, I don't know what the codex is smoking, but Batarians do NOT look like that

Neat little DLC. Nothing crazy but DOES get you one of the best Omni-Tools in the game (give it to Tali) at the small small price of finding 3 deceased scientists (sad)

Also opens up a cool interaction in ME3. I like it but not the best DLC in the Mass Effect saga

Mass Effects first DLC, and ME1's only real one of note. It essentially just feels like a better designed and more interesting sidequest planet, which isn't a bad thing. The introduction of the Batarians is great, but their lack of interesting characterization starts right here too. Overall its a cool sidequest, which really shows that Mass Effect's early DLC wasn't quite sure yet what works for itself.