Reviews from

in the past

Ninja gaiden 1 is rough. I wouldnt start with this game, id start with 2. This game kinda throws you in and doesnt help you really figure out how to do the things. Its only after i played 2, understood how to be a ninja, then come back to one and enjoy it more. The path to learning the mechanics in 1 is alot more rough, similar to how nioh 1 will kick your ass at the start but nioh 2 will gently kick your ass until you get it. however, my personal retrospective still doesnt change my mind that the bosses still suck ass, some of the platforming is awful, and the camera can get fucky at times. I think its a good game but its not something a lot of people will play and truly enjoy to the end imo. Theres also the unnecessary rachrl segements that suck. Its truly sad that the "best" versions of ninja gaiden game are locked to the xbox, meaning the only real way anyone will play them is through the sigma collection. ng2 sigma is still better than the orignal and i will die on that hill

Very challenging, snappy, and pretty engaging. It looks cool, but is quite sample and not too extravagant. The story feels like its some bullshit, but thats ok.HOWEVER, I think that once the game goes underground, my enjoyment on it quickly goes down. I much prefered fighting the human opponents than the demons. I really fell off after 2 levels of being underground because i felt the enemies were generic looking and were not very fun to fight against. Its a shame. The final score of this game represents the whole package, but if i was to rate the game before that, I think this is a solid B+

Hey what if we made one of the best action games of all time really medicore

Á historia desse jogo inexiste então vamos ao que importa, á gameplay é sim muito boa mas falta algumas features básicas do gênero tipo lock on, á camera é um problema por muitas vezes, os inimigos são medianos e os bosses ruims, á variedade de armas é boas mas jogo erra em te dar muitas de uma vez jogo ok mas nada demais, o pior dos mais famoso do gênero hack and slash

bir gün bu oyunu bitirebilcek bi sabıra erişicem o zaman dünyanın anasını skicem.

Uno de los mejores juegos de acción disponibles actualmente, en las dificultades mas altas es bastante retador pero muy gratificante, lamentablemente tiene diferencias con respecto a black que en algunos casos aporta y en otros resta

- 3 misiones nuevas
- Nuevo personaje jugable
- Mas misiones en el modo Misión
- Un arma nueva
- Gráficos y diseños renovados

- Se modificaron algunas partes del juego, haciéndolo mas facil
- Se removió un atajo cerca de la tienda de Muramasa (¿Porque?), por lo que debes dar mas vuelta para llegar a donde quieres
- Se cambiaron combates por jefes que son reciclados
- Se cambiaron algunas pistas de soundtrack

Buen juego con muy buenas gráficas para su tiempo, se puede romper fácilmente el juego, sigue siendo muy disfrutable para hoy en día. No tan alejado a un DMC pero igual muy bueno

Huge disappointment compared to the masterpiece that is ninja gaiden black

Rating: 7.8/10 - Pretty Good

I like the combat and how fast paced it is but the enemy design is a large pool consisting of hits and misses. I do like the weapons but the fact that some enemies are just immune to some of your moves feels cheap. The game could've been much better if they took the opportunity provided by this Sigma remaster to add a quick weapon swap and lock on.

The bosses are really good tho.

kinda cool but I don't have enough free time for games like this

This game reminds me of a woman I was dating back when I finished this, so, it will always add an extra layer of bitter salty memories.

Interesting and deep combat, but I got tired about half of the game so yep

I'm not really familiar with character action games. This one often comes up in souls-game discussions as being similarly difficult and rewarding, I also know that Nioh has some foundations here so I wanted to try it out before I dive into that.

The combat is the main talking point of this game, it's simple but very fast paced, slicing up enemies is satisfying. Instead of manually locking on or aiming, your character will sort of focus on the nearest target which mostly works but feels a bit sticky, also sometimes you will attack the wrong enemy or just nothing which is frustrating. You have a very strong block which will deflect most attacks or you can roll and jump out of the way. These inputs all combo into each other fluidly which is great and allows for plenty of player expression. The core combat is extremely ambitious and actually quite good considering the game originally released in 2004.

Enemies are just as fast as the player so reacting to their attacks individually isn't really an option, instead you need to be wary of their initiative and what attacks they can do. Blocking is powerful but it's countered by heavy attacks or grab attacks that you must dodge. Enemies also have a strong block and dodge which they will randomly do sometimes. Having your attack phase through an enemy's invincibility-frame dodge is unsatisfying and I'm not sure why that's in the game.

The combat has plenty of depth but sadly a lot of it isn't explained at all in the game. The tutorialisation is woeful and the harsh game design provides a horrific skill wall for new players. Combat sections have enemies swarming you and respawning arbitrarily until you defeat them all. Some enemies will shoot projectiles at you from offscreen or simply teleport to you. Instead of checkpoints, the game uses an ancient system of save points and instant consumable heals which goes further to punish new players. The game has difficulty, sure but unfortunately it feels like a large chunk of it is more reminiscent of arcade era titles that simply want to pad playtime instead of creating a satisfying challenge to overcome.

Despite all this, I really did want to like the game. There were moments where I could see past the flaws and reach the flow state that the combat was designed for. It helped me push forwards through the game but I eventually gave up as I reached levels that were just too boring to justify putting up with the tedium. I think I could really enjoy a modern remake of this game, in fact I may even come back to play this version one day once the Stockholm syndrome kicks in (actually I'll play NGB).

Also, this is another fucking game where the developers decided to express their thinly-veiled bimbo fetish when it comes to the female character design. Expect plenty of authentic tit-wobbling during cutscenes.

Se fosse pra dar nota apenas pelo sistema de combate seriam 5 estrelas fácil, os combos, variedade de armas, agressividade e versatilidade dos inimigos principais... é tudo perfeito.
Infelizmente o jogo se perde demais em muitos aspectos, o level design as vezes é quase inexistente, existem várias partes muito frustrantes que o jogo pede pra você atirar em primeira pessoa, coloca inimigos que você não consegue se proteger e também coloca os saves muito distantes uns dos outros forçando você repetir um monte de coisas até conseguir lutar com um boss de novo por exemplo.

It’s definitely hard but you can brute force your way through anything with enough heals. The platforming and hitboxes can be janky, and I genuinely hated some of the enemies. Fortunately, once the combat clicks it’s so good.