Reviews from

in the past

Overall the best pikmin game IMO, although it is incredibly easy. This game plays like an optimized pikmin 1, where the main fun of the gameplay is seeing how fast you can beat it. 3 captains lets you play much more efficiently compared to 1 with just Olimar, although it may make the gameplay feel more mechanical than 1 where you're struggling for survival.

The day limit returning in this game is a cool idea but anyone who's even relatively competent will never see it get close to running out. The new pikmin types are really cool, although blues are essentially useless in this game and yellows are on life support.

Bingo battle is the best sidemode in any pikmin game by a wide margin. Mission mode can be fun if you're into that, but I never liked it that much personally.

Overall just has the most fun gameplay with the best functioning mechanics and controls. The areas are all fun to explore and giving each area 1 big boss to do is unique to this game (2's bosses function much differently to these, with not every cave having them and not having any time restriction). If enemies just had higher pikmin kill caps then the game would actually be difficult to, but as of now it's the easiest game in the series by far.

Objectively better than Pikmin 2, but it lacks Purple Picked Men

Personal favorite of the series, time management and efficiency return

That beautiful, perfect, chill game

4th favourite game. The flow of Pikmin is so satisfying. One of my most replayed games and one that I can always just jump into and enjoy.

The game that introduced my favourite type, Rock Pikmin! I don't want to write a review just yet, as when it came out I only played the campaign, and I feel this game deserves a full playthrough including all of its side modes.

Primer juego en Wii U jugado y me resultó una experiencia más que agradable, me dejaba descomprimir la cabeza y mecánicamente es muy divertido. La historia podría aportar mucho más y siento que sacaron pikmins que podrían haber estado. El combate es bastante incómodo a veces pero el juego es divertido.

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Excellent video game. Using the a wii remote + the gamepad, the game just feels so good. Being able to do nice and fluent movements with wii remote and then being able manage all my captains using the gamepad feels natural and intuitive and is probably the second best use of the gamepad behind mario maker. I didn't expect to enjoy the gameplay as much as I did, I expected it to be either to stressful or to laid back, but it found a great middle ground. The atmosphere and world definitely make you feel small and isolated, but also almost at home where your meant to be. Anyways, this is by no means a perfect game but its near flawless.

My first Pikmin game
And my first game with the genre of command army to solve puzzles
The setting is really cool, with how small our characters are, it had a lot of Bugs Life vibe to it

Enquanto o 4 parece um 2 aprimorado, esse aqui me lembra bastante o primeiro jogo, com o sistema de dias limite retornando, exploração puramente diária e temporizada sempre e tudo mais. Esse jogo é muito lindo, todo o cenário, as musiquinhas, o design dos personagens, tudo é muito lindo mesmo sem considerar que o jogo já tem alguns anos nas costas. O fato dos tesouros serem sempre frutas é uma parada legal, acho que repetem um pouco demais, mas pelo jogo não ser muito longo num geral não chega a ficar repetitivo de verdade. O jogo em geral não é muito difícil, tanto a exploração em geral quanto os chefes, mas tudo bem a graça desses jogos pra mim nunca foi a dificuldade intrínseca da coisa. Confesso que tendo jogado o 4 antes as vezes eu senti falta de certas mecânicas de qualidade de vida e da I.A. aprimorada dos pikmins lá. No geral é um ótimo jogo e pikmin é bom pra caralho mesmo.

My first Pikmin game. This is great! The Wii U gamepad for the map, plus the wii remote and nunchuck, makes for the perfect Pikmin control scheme. If only this game weren't so laughably easy.

The controls are just so bad, I cannot tell the game what I want to, where I want to aim efficiently enough and feel like I'm just wasting time trying to aim and I do waste time because the days are timed!

Charlie has a rubber duck. 10/10

We should throw Rock Pikmin through the windows of the Supreme Court

I loved it
Played on Wii u and I’m so glad I did
The control scheme of having the Wii controller, nunchuck and game pad was perfect
Legitimately one of the best game pad utilisations I’ve seen
It was all just so natural and fed into the hectic planning that you have to do in the game

Lindíssimo, belos gráficos, boa ambientação, requer estratégia e planejamento pra se jogar bem, o que torna a gameplay muito divertida.

Pikmin 3 is good. Maybe great even. Or close. The Wii U is what drags it down. A combination of motion controls and that weird-ass tablet screen just suck the joy out of playing Pikmin 3. It's great in spite of the Wii U. I'm sure the rerelease onto the Switch makes it a 5* game, but I haven't felt compelled to find out

Pikmin 1 didn't quite scratch my Pikmin itch as much as I wanted it to, so I sat down and played through Pikmin 3 between last night and today. The only thing I knew about this game going in is that I remembered hearing it was a little short. Compared to the dungeon crawling epic that is Pikmin 2, then yes, I suppose that's true, but I think this game was just as long as it needed to be. I collected all the fruit and it took me 36 days and about 18-ish real time hours.

This game controls totally left-handed with the Wii U tablet and with the right hand manning the stylus. Granted, plaything through the whole thing in one sitting did a bit of a number on my wrist, but I'm just gonna hope that feels better by morning XP. I'm not sure I like it better than the Gamecube controls, but I like it better than the Wiimote+numchuk controls. The only thing you can't do is direct your hoard in a direction like you can with the C-stick in the Gamecube games. Although you DO have a dodge roll you can get and activate with left and right on the D-pad which is pretty freaking sweet. Using the stylus to aim isn't an exact science, at least if you wanna play with the TV + tablet instead of just the tablet, but you get used to it pretty quick.

The graphics are BEAUTIFUL. This is one of my favorite looking games of last (this?) generation. All of the landscapes are beautifully detailed with tons of graphical detail and vibrant colors. The monsters look fantastic, and the really big ones are always a joy to even see just because of how oddball they are and fluidly they move. The level design is proper quality as well, as it always encourages you to inspect all of your surroundings to find dat fruit. Three main party members as well as a "Go To" feature on your map allows for some serious multi-tasking if you're up for it, and there are some decidedly more fiendishly hidden fruit that will require tactical use of all three members each wielding Pikmin of their own.

The combat is Pikmin as usual, more or less, but the world bosses are GREAT. One of my favorite parts of the game. This is the best the Pikmin themselves have ever been balanced, in my opinion. The two new types, rock and flying, replace the old types of purple and white, and have fantastic utility to both of them in that the flying can handle flying enemies easier, and rocks don't cling to things but do damage on impact as well as breaking enemy carapaces. Add in the exploration utility of things like the normal 3 (and yellows which are good at digging now and not nearly as useless as they used to be), and this is definitely one of the best designed games in the series.

Verdict: Highly recommended. A lot of care and detail went into this game, and it shows. It's a great adventure you can get through in a day or two, but it's a damn fun and memorable one. Definitely worth a try if you liked either of the other games even a little :)

Literally perfect. I don't think I have to say more

Probably the best game to start with but lacks the heart and soul as the rest of the series

My favorite in the series. Just incredible.

adoro pikmin pqp e esse jogo e o culpado
lindo gameplay incrivel um sleeper da nintendo

Pikmin 3 is Pikmin gameplay perfected. Multi-tasking has never felt more important and the Wii U's novel controls feel tailor made for improving Pikmin through throwing precision and Gamepad management. The highly replayable Mission stages elevate Pikmin 3 to my top ranking.

Pikmin 2 and Pikmin 3 are both divergent evolutions of the Pikmin formula. While Pikmin 2 ends up brimming with charm and depth, Pikmin 3 has two things that Pikmin 2 does not: consistency and Bingo Battle.

This is wjat i think a pikmin game should be like just a chill rts game with cute flower creatures and a sense of exploration with beautiful areas and biomes. Many criticise its difficulty and i do understand however for me pikmin shoild just be more about optimising your run or just taking it chill and take in the visuals and this game delivers in spades in those aspects. Worth noting most of the bosses in this game are by far the best in the series