Reviews from

in the past

Vou me abster de passar 1 hora escrevendo o quão importante esse jogo é para mim, a nostalgia de um tempo mais simples as charmosas músicas e as discussões com meu primo a cerca dos pokémons nunca vão sair da minha cabeça. Pode não ser meu jogo favorito, mas é o mais próximo que eu consigo listar de um jogo sem defeitos. Talvez minha nostalgia esteja falando mais alto, mas depois de rejogar pela terceira vez, esse jogo cresceu tanto em mim que eu nem tenho palavras, nenhum jogo de Pokémon é tão importante quanto este para mim, e tirando yume nikki, nenhum outro jogo me tocou tanto quanto este. É por jogos assim que eu criei apresso por esta forma de mídia, e apesar de não gostar dos jogos da franquia mais recentes, ainda tenho muito apresso por estes graças a esse jogo. Obrigado game Freak, apesar de todos os seus tropeços, obrigado por nos ter proporcionado este jogo

This and White2 are quite possibly the best pokemon games.

Black 2 makes a lot of significant improvements that it’s prequel didn’t touch on. Not only with widening the roster of the Unova dex, but they also expanded upon some of the features that they had (rotation and triple battles) as well as added a whole lot of bonus content (PWT, Pokestar Studio and the memory link feature).

This was my first time playing this and it is now considered to be one of my top favorite Pokémon games of all time. 💙

o melhor jogo de pokemon (junto com o white 2), ele pega tudo que faltava no B;W 1 e melhora
a história de unova é MT PICA

Esse definitivamente é meu jogo favorito. Tudo que eu espero ter em um jogo de pokémon tem aqui, e só explorar a rotas mais simples desse jogo me dá uma felicidade descomunal.
eu to fazendo essa review agora que eu terminei o main game dele, mas com certeza eu vou voltar nesse save e fazer tudo possível, porque os postgame desse jogo é o meu favorito de todos

AEH.. eu joguei ele no Challenge mode dessa vez, que alias é uma feature única desse jogo, e apesar de no início ter sido bem difícil, depois ficou só normal, não sei se é porque o jogo não fica realmente difícil ou se eu só sou bom mesmo :sunglasses:

I absolutely loved Pokemon Black 2, and I have so much nostalgia for the game. It's my favorite Pokemon/DS title to date. I admire both the world and the art style.

My all time favorite Pokémon game, such a great story, and it has all the parts to be a favorite game of mine all together.

Still a great entry, but I think the stronger story of the 1st game pushes my preference more towards that one, but still a really solid time.

I really liked the story aspect from Black 1 where for the first and last time in a Pokémon game you were made to think about whether your conception of the world was really moral and just. Although you get to see all of the post-effects of the in-universe musing, the plot becomes a bit less impactful when everyone out and out just goes "we're bad!" rather than "what if you are?"

It's nice to see all sorts of Pokémon reintroduced into the wild during the main campaign, but although it's a selling point for the box, feels like a little bit of a concession when they went all out on making a brand new roster of 'mons for the OG, like a direct pander to the people complaining that the ice cream cone ruined their childhood or whatever.

All of that aside (which despite having a bit to say on it, I'd say are minor complaints) I think everything else about the game is an upgrade over the OG so it's a net win, but I think the first game packs a bigger punch and left a better lasting impression on me.

This is peak Pokemon in my opinion and definitely my favorite out of them all. I finished the main story but still haven´t finished the PWT but i know will. Unova is just overall my favorite Region in Pokemon and I think that the artstyle and music of gen 5 is just the best.

This is the peak of the Pokémon franchise point blank period. Everything from the story to the spritework and animation oozes a passion youd be hard oressed to find in the modern mainlinegames. As the last pixel art Pokémon game you can tell the staff at game freak wanted to go out with a bang and what a bang it was. Now to finally finish my randomizer nuzlock run.

Set two years after B/W, I wasn't too keen on revisiting it, but as my quest dictated, I played it. Seeing N again was neat, but the first few towns were a slog, especially going to the movie studios. Otherwise, still fun, although was boring to have Ghetsis at the end, and Colress wasn't interesting enough. The Pokemon Generations icing the town moment is pretty cool though.

[Same thoughts for White 2 as well, of course]

I dunno if people will think this is a hot take or not, but I'll say it upfront: Not only are these my favorite Pokemon games, I genuinely think they're the best games in the series to date.

Black and White 2 are nearly flawless Pokemon games. Is the story as good as Black and White 1? No, but it's still pretty good and ties a bow on BW1's plot extremely well. The Pokemon diversity in this game is excellent, and makes it extremely replayable, correcting one of the issues BW1 had. This is the only Pokemon game with actual difficulty options (it has to be unlocked, but, still, great!). And it's not an easy game either by Pokemon standards. I won't call it hard, but you can wipe if you're not prepped or over-leveled for quite a few fights in this game. There's an in-game achievement system, there's Gym rematches, there's returning legendaries, there's everything a Pokemon game should have - yet this game doesn't get the credit it deserves and that baffles me to no end.

There's a ton of fan service in the post-game too with the Pokemon World Tournament. If you know you know.

My only big critique is how the story stops you and forces you to do PokeStar Studios side content. Can JRPGs stop forcing weird minigames on us please? Thanks.

TL;DR - I love BW2 and not only are they my favorite set of Pokemon games, I think they're the best and most underrated set as well. Fantastic games.

Score: 95


finished this so quick, just as fun as the rest of the unova games, my haxorus carried me through elite four

Na minha humilde opinião, o último jogo feito com amor pela Game Freak. Cheio de pequenos detalhes que davam vida ao mundo, arte e trilha sonora impecáveis e muitos momentos épicos. O design dos mons da gen 5 não é tudo o que falam não, "gostei da opinião, foi um youtuber que te deu?"

la suite du meilleur jeu de tous les temps (même meilleur que son prédécesseur)

I had the cartridge for this and somehow it got lost, so it was inevitably shelved :( I'll come back one day though! Such a good sequel

bro wtf going back to this, this game slaps

favorite pokemon game ever

Played the first many years ago after dropping the the series as a whole. I like that one a lot, like this one one a lot more.

This is peak Pokemon. Spite art in the series had never looked better, the PWT had EVERY possible Gym Leader and Champion all in one place to fight at their absolute strongest we've ever seen them. I could go on, but do I even need to?

My favourite mainline Pokémon game! It is a great sequel to an already great game, also has a great story like Pokémon Black and White and the addition of older Pokémon to catch is very nice.

Such a cool game and you can tell how much creativity and artistry was put into it by Gamefreak. Would be a 10 but this is a Pokémon game so its pretty repetitive and tedious lol. Best Pokémon game tho.

B&W2 are my platonic ideal of a pokemon game. It's obviously not perfect, but it's probably the closest we're gonna get at the current rate the pokemon series is going

Gen 5 is peak pokemon. Fuck off.

Somehow better than Platinum
I honestly am very hazy on my memories regarding Pokemon, but this game was still amazing
Also Haxorus with Swords Dance is the MVP

É o melhor Pokemon, não tem como

you know pokemon fans standards are low when a heavy majority of us agree this is the best gamefreak has done

GooeyScale: 90/100