Reviews from

in the past

Me and a few friends were doing a "watch-along" to this game as you could call it, and while it's not egregious or anything bad in it's own right, it's just alright overall.

There is some humorous moments, well-written moments, and generally decent things in it, but be wary that this is in no way a "game" that deserves that name, it's really and interactive TV show that is pretty okay at best.

pretty art wasted on some white guy's ego

Decided one weekend to replay the game and, honestly, I could make this be a yearly tradition.

all clicks when you find out the annoying one who keeps finding his way into every fucking scene is also the writer

Such a personal story about a small band LA making their way into the music industry. As someone who wants to enter into the entertainment industry, though as a filmmaker, I connected a lot with the highs and lows of the band's story. The ending of episode 3 especially hit me a lot in my emotions, it was probably the most stressful experience I've had playing a game due to the sheer emotional rollercoaster that it put me through.
I really recommend this game though, it's definitely a much more casual experience than most games, being more like an interactive television series than a traditional video game, but it's story and art direction is so incredibly strong that that isn't much of a problem.

Hace un año o así tuve que ponerme firme en no ver nunca más una truecrimeada de cualquier servicio de streaming (no es que viese muchos de normal, pero el último me pareció tan repugnante, sin ser truculento, que aun siendo para tener algo mientras cenaba, me hizo obligarme una promesa)

Eso mismo que he dicho, pero a partir de ahora con historias californianas como esta.