Reviews from

in the past

It's got an interesting concept - a first-person Hotline Miami/SuperHot without the slow-mo - but the execution is lacking.
It's got a banging soundtrack and aesthetic, but the actual gameplay is pretty lacklustre and sometimes just unfair. And yes, Hotline Miami could definitely be unfair at times, but getting killed by one stray bullet out of nowhere feels way worse in this game for some reason. You have a limited slow-mo ability to offset this and allow you to dodge bullets, but this lasts only 2 or 3 seconds.
Honestly, I had some fun with it, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna go back to it or not. I didn't click with Hotline Miami the first time I played it as well, so I might give this another shot sometime to see if it clicks into place or not.

Didn't captivate me.
And I say this while loving Hotline Miami.

What if they made Hotline Miami into a video game.