Reviews from

in the past

got exactly what i wanted, which was a tiny world that i could cozy into and master in less then two hours. appreciate that there is Some effort to stretch the mechanics in different directions even across the very short running time. kinda janky and weirdly poorly optimized if u care ab that stuff (i dont). i have mixed feelings on both "wholesome" games and solarpunk, but this is a pretty good case for the communal, inviting, aspirational best of both. not the most powerful thing, but i do long for the world that will happen when we finally decide to take care of eachother.

after playing so many indie horror games it's so nice to play an indie that feels like it actually wants to be a Video Game... cute and good :)

I'm constantly on the hunt for new games that evoke the same feelings that I had when playing A Short Hike, so I had to pick up this "Very Positive" Steam reviewed platformer which seemed to be of that ilk. I continue to be baffled by some games' reception on Steam, because this game is nothing but a mess. Its cutesy exterior is all it has going for it. The game performs horribly, causing my Steam Deck to run at full steam and cutting its battery life down to an hour. It's chock full of bugs, from object pop-in directly in front of you to broken menus. The platforming itself felt like I was permanently in a moon gravity level from a better platformer, with a far too slow jumping arc. Movement overall is also sluggish, with turns feeling too slow. Exploration isn't properly rewarded, especially since collectible objects aren't visible until you're directly next to them. Those objects are also the only things to find, as all of the NPCs are clustered in each of the game's areas. Re:Fresh would have been an admirable student project, but as a paid product it's embarrassing.

it was cute tbh and that's the most i have to say on that. the platforming was kinda easy and that's quite a statement coming from someone who absolutely fucking sucks at platformers.

Short, simple, but still enjoyable. I'd love to play a larger version of the game set in this semi-solar punk world

A cute, short and wholesome 3D platformer centered around helping a small town of well mannered folks repair what was left off of a storm. It's a collect-a-ton where you don't even need to collect everything and the quests are a laid out as the dialogue is full of positivity and charisma. Play this if you're either not that great at 3D platformer or you're having a not-so good day.

A collect-a-thon platformer in a dull, lifeless world. Attempts to imitate the blueprint of A Short Hike without understanding what made that game great. Poorly optimized and buggy; at least it's only an hour long.

A very cute 3D platformer with some Animal Crossing inspired vibes. While the game is priced very affordably, the playtime required to beat it matches it (around 1 hour). Currently has some issues with controller/KB+mouse overriding each other among other visual/gameplay annoyances (i.e. camera sensitivity is one slider that applies in both directions, menus are sometimes janky, etc.). Can be cheesed incredibly quickly due to some movement mechanics. Overall a fun experience if you're looking for a short game!

a cute short game to satisfy your itch for platformers and adorable robots! :)