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This is everything but stalker


Has caused the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. community to become infested with milsim airsoft kids but that's not really the mods fault. Not a fan of the gameplay, though I was never a big fan of any freeplay mods so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Do not play this if you haven't played the original games first.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Gamma is just peak gaming.

laptop bricked itself but ive seen videos on it and it looks amazing

Brilliant. It's free and has loads of community-made content that expand the play time.While I set the "Time Played" to 100 hours I may have much more than that. Thanks to everyone involved in making this available for free, and thanks for many hours (and many more!!) of fun... and stress!

STALKER is one of those game series which has got a huge number of mods for. STALKER: Anomaly is one of the most popular and comprehensive ones. There isn’t even any need for the vanilla games to play it, just download and play. To add on to that, it’s also free. Hardly a bad deal in my opinion.
Anomaly is a combination of all STALKER games, cut content and ideas that never made it. It follows a storyline similar to vanilla if story mode is chosen and does away with the pre-made player character. Can it stand on its own? It lacks the charm of the vanilla games, so I would recommend playing them first. Even if you don’t, you will still have a fun time with Anomaly.

I noticed quite a few similarities between the story of anomaly and vanilla, so I didn’t feel the same need to follow the main quest as before. I honestly can’t remember much about it. I should mention that I didn’t to complete everything. Furthermore, I stopped playing in the middle of the second of 3 “main quests”. I already had the best gear; an incredible amount of money and it was a slog to keep going, so I stopped playing.
Obviously, that’s just my experience, yours may differ. Still, I would not recommend Anomaly for its story.

Mechanics and gameplay
As this is technically a mod, you can change almost every aspect of the gameplay to fit your playstyle. Personally, I didn’t bother with that and just stuck with vanilla Anomaly.
The first new addition that can be seen is the inclusion of a character creator that allows you to play as any faction and start in many locations. There you can also choose story or warfare and others part about your playthrough.
The largest change this mod brings is the combination of all the maps and more. This made the play area so massive that I didn’t manage to explore it all. Also, the FPS aspect is majorly improved, to the point that I’ve seen some complaints that it’s turning into a mil sim.
The warfare mode is worth mentioning. It can be a little unfair. By that I mean I was fighting off waves of hundreds of monolith forces while watching all other locations being overrun. Still, it was fun.
Overall, Anomaly is better than any of the STALKER games in terms of gameplay.

Graphics are also pretty good. Still looks like STALKER, but its obvious effort has been put in to make it look as good as possible.

I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I wasn’t as immersed in Anomaly as in the other STALKER titles. It felt as if I was a player in a game, rather than a stalker in the zone.

Didn’t listen to soundtrack that much. Seems like mostly dark ambiance, just as before. I don’t have a favourite.

Final thoughts
I can’t wait for all of my STALKER reviews to be outdated the moment STALKER 2 comes out.

é fácil para mim dizer que essa é A MINHA experiência definitiva de stalker, você adicionar a atmosfera e ao gameplay de stalker elementos de roguelike e afins e remover (opcionalmente) o elemento narrativo do jogo você esta basicamente me dando um presente de natal, aniversário e dia das crianças em um só. não que a narrativa/lore/plot de stalker seja ruim, eu só não sou muito de me importar ativamente com isso, eu prefiro muito mais estar na zona, explorando livremente, com um personagem de criação própria em um mundo aberto. eu aprecio muito a possibilidade de investir em um personagem em um jogo punitivo e casca-grossa, me equipar, pisar em dead city e um monolith silencioso esgueirar atrás de mim e estourar meu cérebro sem eu conseguir nem reagir, respirar fundo e pensar oh bolas! hora de começar de novo

one of the only games to not be horror focused but actually make me terrified and have great combat/survival mechanics, the massive amount of customizability really helps with the immersion the game wants you to have

Uma experiência de outro mundo, o carinho, a imersão, a profundidade desse mundo é incrível todo fã de jogos de sobrevivência, mundo aberto, mergulhe nesse mundo de cabeça, aproveite tudo, observe tudo, seja parte de um todo

Modlarla mükemmel. G.A.M.M.A. ve EFP'yi deneyin.

-Tekrara düşen yan görevler.

Pulled from my full retrospective:

S.T.A.L.K.E.R., as I’ve come to see - and more or less appreciate it, is an impressive waste of time. Everything it boasts, from the gunplay and the realism to the immersive systems and the atmospheric open world, is all just a space to exist in for however long you see fit, until you get bored with the loop and find something else to do. It presents a wild, open world full of infinite possibilities (of things to kill, or things that will kill you), and a list of mechanics and systems that you’re seemingly not supposed to understand without trial and error and frequent quick-saves. It requires a lot of time and patience and commitment, and I feel that I gave it the amount of time it deserved before giving my thoughts a three-year-deep conclusion.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (the game), is little more than an aesthetic, comparative to its genre peers. It implies a deeper message, but only through its proximity to these other works, considering its title and setting. What S.T.A.L.K.E.R. seems to aim for thematically is on par with Fallout’s frontier-fantasy; isn’t it mysterious and sexy to have full reign over this barren landscape that used to be a civilization? Isn’t it fun to think about returning to zero, carrying nothing but a backpack and a gun into the wide unknown? Here we’re shown less the effects of war on society, and more a wonderland for grizzled gun-toting men, survivors who are here for the same mechanical reason as the player - they like shooting things too. Inherently, as a piece of interactive media focused more on open, immersive mechanics than a linear story, it seems more interested in being a military simulation in a “cool setting” than a rumination on why that setting exists in the first place, much less what it symbolizes. It’s a reaction to the aesthetic trend of nuclear media, the allure of tragedy and the speculation around the effects of nuclear energy, and the inevitable horror genre tropes that fill in the gaps and begin to form the fear into something shiny and profitable.

“The zone” is often as beautiful as it is ugly and static, and I found myself getting enraptured by Anomaly’s weather effects and skyboxes as often as I was disappointed with the emptiness and ugliness of an area I thought I’d take the time and resources to explore. The world is also incredibly hostile to its inhabitants, in a way that pursues “realism,” but in the process loses track of why it exists at all. The openness is presented as a space of limitless opportunity, but for what? The answer, of course, is to “be a part of the world,” which is enacted through the game’s verbs by walking for a period of time, then shooting a gun, then walking somewhere else. This openness, also, provokes a classic form of open world burnout. You’re provided with so much to do (in the form of walking, shooting, and then picking things up) that you quickly lose yourself in the loop of trying to make your numbers go up (namely encumbrance, which translates to money). With a higher number (money), you can build up equipment that allows you to go further without having to reload a save after getting one-shot - or at the very least mortally wounded by anything you come across, or anything that (thanks to the immersive world design) comes after you. This is an expensive process, both for you as a player and “you” as a stalker, and will necessitate running back and forth across several maps doing fetch quests, finding filler items to sell (that might be useful, or might just have flavor text that alludes to being useful, we’ll never tell), and trying not to get encumbered.

I’ve done my time in the zone, I’ve lived in it for a period, explored its secrets, even if I haven’t “beaten” S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in whatever form it wants to be beaten. I will probably still think about it, maybe gratuitously return to it for a few hours, try and see if there’s anything else hidden in its world. In the end, maybe this version of the zone just isn’t for me, maybe I’ll never find what I want hiding somewhere deep inside it, and maybe it wasn’t ever meant to be any deeper than “just a game.” Given S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2’s upcoming release, the developers’ lack of reservations about NFTs, and the series’ target fanbase of hunter-killers, maybe no zone will ever live up to the ruminative fantasy I keep in my head and heart. Perhaps Chernobyl’s exclusion zone is fated, ironically, to be a constant mystical battleground, an aesthetic backdrop for yet another survival shooter game, an untouched, unruled place full of limitless violent possibilities. In the meantime, in the real world, maybe we can continue to cope with the doors that cannot be closed behind us, and hopefully learn from our mistakes and our history of violence, and prevent such a prospective future from befalling us before we inevitably get another triple-A post-nuclear frontier survival experience for the cost of $70, a thousand layoffs, a handful of crunch hospitalizations, and our dignity as artists.

they yassified my stalker..
youtubers should really stop gaslighting the masses that this is the "definitive experience" bc it's not

I mean where do i even begin, its good but its also really bad? Like the fact that it even exists and is a huge mod in itself is a grand achievement but at the same time the whole "realistic" approach to progress is so ???, thankfully you can tweak all of that shit out, there are tons of add-ons out there and those are one of the main reasons of what makes this game so good, its the main modding platform for all 3 games but i still consider Call of chernobyl (or call of the zone) to be superior simply for the fact that its way more stable and crashes alot less, it just sucks that its not getting any support anymore.
>iron man mode
>1 extra life per day survived
yep, its gaming time

This review contains spoilers

This game is loads of fun. I've had more than a few sleepless nights because I stayed up playing this game. This game is actually a standalone mod, which builds up on another standalone mod of the original trilogy called Call of Chernobyl, which sought to fuse content of the three games while adding in extra content that was scrapped. While Call of Chernobyl is fun and I had lots of fun playing that, the game had its limitations, particularly with the engine. Anomaly sought to remedy this with the new Monolith X-Ray engine (an open-source custom fork of the X-Ray engine used for the original games). The results are absolutely wonderful, with graphics and gameplay that can rival most AAA survival FPS games (or their equivalents, I'm not sure of any modern survival horror FPS games to be fair)

Anomaly follows the premise of the STALKER series where we get to play as a random stalker of the zone, a place full of danger and profits. There are a ton of different modifiers beyond stat changes to enemies and the economy that can add a layer of difficulty to the game, such as an ironman mode and only being allowed to save in certain parts of the map and the gameplay is really immersive, where you get to feel that you are exploring a mysterious and unknown part of the world where the laws of physics seems to bend at the zone's will

Base anomaly is one thing, but thanks to the strong support of fans and a big modding community, there are tons of mods that can further enhance Anomaly, with new weapons and models, different fixes and changes on top of a whole other bunch of cool features.

Of course, this game is not absolutely perfect as (almost by virtue of the game's titles), the game has its buggy tendencies which can lead to a lot of jank and bullshit. This actually ruins one of the game's "endings" with the wishgranter (which is a monkey's paw so don't fall for it) where if you wish for the zone to disappear, it closes your game (which is technically correct). However, due to the nature of STALKER games the close does seem more like a crash, even though it was FULLY intended to happen.

(NOTE: The time played I have here is only the time I logged since I started using backloggd, as I've been playing this game for way longer but haven't been tracking the time since I launch the game via MO2)

this is my stand in review for all (conversion) mods for stalker games i played. probably played anomaly or something based on it.

anyways they all are free and, as far as i saw, never required any of the original games but are so good i ended up buying the other 2 stalker games besides shadow of chernobyl which was my first stalker game, just so i give back to the original developers/asset creators somehow after playing those mods what feels like several hundred of hours combined...probably i should give the modders also some money speaking off...

if u want a sandbox freeform rpg, as hardcore/tactially/survivally as u'd like single player experience and enjoyed the core mechanics of the stalker games (not everyones cup of tea), u should definitely try some of the stalker based mods

juntou tudo que os 3 Stalker tem de melhor e criou o meu mod favorito de todos os games!!

Drank vodka, downloaded, and fought with stalkers for about 5 hours

What the base game should have been, what Stalker 2 should strive to be. Tarkovky's favourite game of all time. "Stalker, free, for everyone, and let no one be forgotten!"

Não querendo ser um "purista" chato, mas esse jogo destruiu o conceito de S.T.A.L.K.E.R. E pelo visto, nem os mods para os jogos originais são TÃO INTERESSANTES QUANTO O GRANDIOSO ANOMALY.

its peak

infelizmente stalker 2 não será uma fração do anomaly/gamma

The concept and design philosophy of the original Stalker games taken to their maximum potential and an outstanding piece of immersion thanks to the malleability of the base game and it's outstanding and passionate community.