Reviews from

in the past

This is a bad mobile game packaged as a companion to a very lore-rich game without any of the lore or attempt at complexity that The Talos Principle has. Also, the codes never worked for me, so why bother.

This was a solid distraction from class for two days though.

cumpriu seu papel, pra qm n tem talos principle é legal jogar esses puzzles.

These are a lot more fun as a small part of the game.

Check this game out before you play The Talos Principle (or simultaneously, like I did)...

It's very hypnotic to solve these puzzles. And they reward you with some cool little things in TTP. Some of the puzzles here seem to have no answer, but if you take a break and come back to them later, you'll wonder how the heck you didn't get them at first.

(Also, according to Steam, it took me 5.5 hours to complete. Very good value for a solid, free puzzle game that won't bombard you with ads like literally any puzzle game of the sort on mobile.)